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Everything posted by gray

  1. I can relate to some of the things you write. I'm 31..and a mom to a toddler. I'm applying for PhD for fall 2011...and I have the same apprehension...that I'll be the old kid on the block. Plus, I don't know how the heck I'll be a mom and make time for everything else (yes, everything else comes second... But, I really want to do this....and have wanted to for a long time. But I needed to work and bring the money....and could not do this before. But now I'm taking a year out of my life to strategize and apply to the schools I want. I figure if I don't get in, then I go back to what I was doing which was also good....just tougher to get research projects....had to earn it by product development on the side. So, my advice to you is....if you're serious....think about doing research on your own or collaborating even with phd students at a local univ and getting some research experience. Sell whatever skill you've got in exchange for some research opportunity. Alternatively, at your work place, put some extra time to work on some related research work. I worked as a s/w engineer on the product development side for several years and I used to do this...and had to prove my worth and slowly gained more research time. Unfortunately for me...I could not publish anything because of IP....and I got tired being pulled away from it. I've found in my experience that if you become invaluable to a company, they'll let you do something that you want...even if it's for a small percentage of your time. I know it's tough...but if you really want it....go for it. When you're old and you think back on your life....you'll always wonder why you didn't go for it. Try for it...and if you don't get in....hey atleast you tried your best right..?
  2. Thanks for the advice. Searching for summer schools had not occured to me. I'm not near to any of the schools...am in the mid-west....so I'm volunteering my extra time at a lab in a local Univ. But, I might be able to get away to a summer school. I have a 4.0 GPA in my Grad studies....so I had the CS GRE lower on my list....but am still studying for it. I'll reevaluate my app in summer and reconsider this if it might hurt me or help me. I'm also going to attend the conferences to network like you said. Overall...thanks for the advice.
  3. Hi, I'm planning to apply for CS PhD for fall 2011 and looking for advice on how to improve my application in the coming 10-11 months or so before I have to submit my application. I finished my MS in Comp Science from an average school (but still tier 1) in 2004. I was very much into research and published a conf paper. I also had a fellowship and won an award from the department for my research. Since then, I've been working in industry and doing research. I've done a lot of research internally.....but unfortunately, because of IP concerns, I was not allowed to publish anything. I also had 2 patent applications and one might get abandoned because of budget concerns. The main limitation in my application is the lack of visible research aka publications...so I'm trying to improve this. For that, I'm now collaborating with a prof from my old university and working on publishing 2 conf papers. This would also help me reconnect with academia....for recommendation letters (I know that letters from within academia generally carry more weight than those from industry...with some exceptions). I'm aiming for Stanford, Berkeley, UMD, UIUC, and JHU (this is probably more realistic for me...a small dept with research more in tune in my interest). The dreamshots are Stanford and Berkely. With my experience, I know exactly which area and subarea I want to do research and in each of the above Univ I have atleast one prof who is very much in line with my interest. What can I do to improve my application....?
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