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Posts posted by global_latam

  1. Your  research interests sound cool and I'm sure you'd be fine in a sociology program. Although, I may be a bit biased since I am also interested in the persistence of free market (and alternative) development models, but in Latin America. 


    Also, political economy is an inherently interdisciplinary field no matter what discipline one is in--sociology, political science, economics, or history. I actually find myself citing political scientists and economists as often as I cite sociologists. In my opinion, having a poli sci background and being quantitative would make you more marketable. You should be able to benefit from attending conferences and making connections in both fields (e.g. both ASA and APSA). 


    What sociology program are you waitlisted for?

  2. Deciding between UC Irvine and UCLA. Area of interests are immigration, race and ethnic relations, social stratification, cultre. Especially focusing on Asian American community. Both programs are very good fit and very well established! However I have heard rumors like "UCLA expects you to drop out," so I'm a little worried about the program culture there. Any suggestions?


    I can see why someone would say that. From what I heard while visiting UCLA and talking to UCI profs about UCLA is that the program is too big. It's not so much that they expect you to fail, but some students may feel neglected in the program. The extent to which this is a problem really depends on how independent one is and what kind of advising one needs. 


    I'm most likely saying yes to UCLA.

  3. So, I got accepted to few programs, and while I am attempting to narrow down my choices, I figured I would ask for opinions here. SUNY-Binghamton, University of Utah, GMU, UCR, University of Oregon, and Boston U (most likely). Does anyone have any info about what kind of culture these departments have? Are people (student-student, and professors-students) there competitive, helpful, etc.,?


    While, funding, fit, goals, etc., are important, I also don’t want to end up in a department where people hate each other. You can’t get this kind of information from the schools’ websites, so I figured I would ask here.


    Thank you J


    I'm a current undergrad at Riverside (I've also been accepted here) and I know too much about this program. Message me any questions you have about the department--I'll try to be as honest as possible. I also know plenty of current grad students, so I generally know how they feel about the program. 

  4. Has anyone here been accepted to UC-Riverside? What's the funding package? PM me and let me know which research cluster you plan to work.in.



    UC riverside already sent out acceptances?


    I'm a current undergrad at UC Riverside. As far as I know, decisions have been made, but they're waiting to get them through grad division first. I think they're trying to give funding details along with the accepts (not all programs do this).


    Ya'll can ask me questions if you like. Here or PM. I know some of the faculty personally and I've taken a couple of graduate courses. 

  5. Does anybody know what is going on with UC Irvine? I saw they sent out some acceptance last week but was unsure if they are done sending them out. In past years they sent all the acceptances out in one wave but it also looked like a lot more acceptance were posted.


    I was accepted to UC Irvine last week (2 February). Waiting on funding. You can PM me if you have any questions, but if they're relevant to others go ahead and ask them here.


    I'm guessing that you're in limbo. I don't want to kill your hopes, but I received an email on Sunday about open house. The email was sent out to me and more than twenty other people--I'm guessing all the persons accepted. You shouldn't take this as proof that they're no longer accepting anyone, but that's a pretty big group of people. 


    EDIT: Looks like someone (asheleeyang) beat me to what I said. 

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