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Everything posted by TotheBalkans

  1. Rrachel, I spoke too soon! Now I'm right there with you: (A). Good luck to alternates and all still waiting!
  2. Updates are great (and I hope the stats come soon), but I'd love to see some decisions even more. Hopefully we'll get some answers today!
  3. Congratulations!!
  4. Sadly, that seems to be true! Someone did just update the spreadsheet for Singapore and Bangladesh, though, so maybe there's been news today after all?
  5. remenis, I'm sorry to hear you're still waiting, but it is nice not to be here alone. I hope your answer comes soon!
  6. What about European applicants? It's starting to seem like Montenegro and maybe Serbia & Kosovo are the only ones left. Anybody else still waiting?
  7. Congratulations, Macedonia folks!!
  8. Two nights ago, I had three separate dreams in which I got Fulbright emails- one (P), one (A), and one (NS). That was my first (and hopefully last!) case of Fulbright-related dreaming, but at least my subconscious is preparing for all possible outcomes!
  9. It sounds like the country I applied to is still interviewing through next week, so as much as I'd like the end of March to be true...it doesn't look like it's in the cards for me. I'll be keeping my fingers crossed for everyone else though!
  10. Thanks ssmith1774! Are you a Kosovo applicant?
  11. It's so hard to stop hoping! I haven't started refreshing my email yet, but I know it won't be too long before I give in (even though I know it's irrational). Hang in there! Thanks for the info! It's also nice to hear from a fellow-Balkans applicant-- good luck!!
  12. RRachel1, yes I was just emailed this morning! I suppose that it is pretty late in the game compared to most countries, but Montenegro usually notifies in late April. I didn't expect to hear anything at all until then, so-- while the email was surprising-- it's nice to know that someone is actually looking at my application!
  13. Has anyone applying for the Balkans (Serbia, Macedonia, Croatia, etc) been contacted about an interview? I was under the impression that those countries usually didn't interview, but the embassy just emailed me.
  14. Congratulations to all the Turkey folks! Bekleyenadam, I guess your name was lucky-- and no longer true! Congrats!
  15. Thanks for sharing, Savannah!
  16. DTY, I'm also a semifinalist for Turkish! What level did you apply for? I'm brand-new to Turkish, so I applied for beginning. I've also been refreshing my email pretty frequently, but I saw a facebook post that said their offices are closed due to bad weather. If that's true, I hope it doesn't delay things too much!
  17. I applied for Montenegrin ETA and the Turkish CLS Program. Tspier, awesome about Macedonia and best of luck! TravelingTeacher, what country did you apply for? I studied abroad in Serbia & Kosovo. Right now I'm working on an undergraduate thesis about late 19th/early 20th c. British travelogues written about the Balkans. Also, it's awesome to hear that a self-identified "Balkan fanatic" wants to teach social studies! Hopefully you'll be able to talk up an under-discussed region with your students! laowhy, this is exactly what I was hoping to hear! Thanks so much!
  18. Hi everyone! I've been lurking pretty consistently for a few weeks (this forum has been keeping me sane-- it's nice to have something Fulbright-related to read while we wait). I applied for an ETA and a Critical Language Scholarship (I'm talking about the summer program, not the CLS that's done in conjunction with your Fulbright). I've been recommended for both; however, I've gotten conflicting information about doing a CLS summer program and an ETA in the same year. From what I've read, some material says that applicants may have to choose between accepting a Fulbright and accepting the CLS (implying that it could be possible to do both?). In other places, though, it says that applicants have to choose between CLS and Fulbright. Does anyone have any insight on this?
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