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  • Application Season
    2015 Fall
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    Creative Writing MFA

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  1. well friends, this where the admissions journey ends for me. i just received confirmation that all spots have been filled at Indiana's fiction program, and that I will not be offered a spot this year. that said, i will officially accept UIUC's offer. im sad about Indiana, but so so excited about Illinois! to all other Illinois acceptees lurking, see you all in august! to Indiana acceptees, congrats on a job well done! to everyone who didn't receive an offer this year, keep on writing and doing the very best you can! you are all hardworking folks and it will pay off. this has been such a journey for me, and countless others. i hope you all come out relatively unscathed and with the spirit of writing still inspiring you! sorry for being so cheesy... i just appreciate everyones willingness to be vulnerable with each other during this process. cheers all!
  2. for the record, UIUC (even though you only get ~$13,000 the first year) gives students a TAship worth ~$21,000 for the second and third years, which is pretty great for central Illinois, and much more than most other MFA programs
  3. Nibs, I've also set the 10th as my personal deadline. i really dont wanna be that person who holds out until the 15th, that so stressful for the program and everyone else involved. if i don't hear yes or no from Indiana by then, i plan to accept Illinois' offer. Also is anyone else waiting on news from Virginia Tech? they've been so mum this whole time...
  4. Thank you so much sandy bubbles! as this thread starts to quiet down, i wanna say, what a journey that has been for us all, truly! to those who didn't get in anywhere, i think the best advice ive heard through this whole process is that being rejected is no statement about the quality of your work, and certainly not an indicator that you should stop writing. i feel like i only got into grad school this year out of a small percentage of talent and a huuuuge percentage of luck; i would venture that this is true for most folks. to those of use that did get in, congrats on all of your efforts! we made it this far, finally! good luck everyone, this year and beyond! to those of us still waiting, maybe the next 16 days be swift!
  5. im having a similar issue, in that Illinois is looking like a great choice for me, but I'm still holding out hope for Indiana (my top choice program), where I've been waitlisted. i feel so bad making Illinois wait for me to decide, but im not ready to make any moves until i know about Indiana for sure. they're both such great programs too, ugh! any advice would be great! but this is definitely a happy problem!
  6. thank you sandy bubbles! and thanks for the info; i will check out the waitlist thread. where have you been waitlisted? any signs of movement for you?
  7. i just got notification from Indiana (waitlisted!). im so thrilled even by that, as this is my top choice school. if anyone got in and doesnt wanna go, you would make this Chicagoan very, very happy to go to Bloomington. it seems as if they let in fewer people this year than in the past, so i feel super lucky. also im trying to figure out good waitlist etiquette, in terms of contacting the program staff and students. if anyone has good advice about that, it'd be much appreciated.
  8. my god shoopster, that last sentence is the perfect way to put it
  9. any news on draft abt Alabama? Apparently some folks have already been accepted...
  10. yall, im crossing every limb and appendage i own in preparation for Michener's decisions coming out in the next few days good luck all. my goodness, this process has been so draining so far. we're almost out of MFA decision season. hang in there!
  11. i applied to a mix of two and three year programs and originally thought a two year program would be a better fit, but now i think i would prefer a three year program.
  12. if anything, there's additional time, to work on theses, to teach, etc, which i think is invaluable. two year programs are good but some might feel like there isn't enough time, which i agree with a bit. unless you really know what you want to accomplish in those two years. also three year programs means an additional (hopefully funded) year of not having to return to the real world, lol also some two year programs are essentially three years, due to additional post-grad fellowships and teaching opportunities (ie, Cornell, Michigan, etc), so there must be something to it.
  13. just saw this on Michener's website: 2015 Admissions Decisions Our final admissions decisions will be made on March 10th, and all admitted or wait-listed students will be contacted directly over the next day or two. This is somewhat later than our usual decision date, and we appreciate your patience in awaiting results. If you are not called or emailed by March 13, you have not been admitted or wait-listed, even though you may not have yet received a "deny" decision from Graduate Admissions (these can be delayed by glitches in your paperwork even though we have denied admission). so just one more week of waiting, folks!
  14. which made me think: have rejections already been sent out? i feel so in the dark about Brown in general, which may be intentional on their end, so maybe there we some talk on draft?
  15. this one specifically: I contacted Brian Evenson about timing and he wrote: "Not all the fiction rejections have been sent out yet. I am hoping acceptances will go out sometime next week, but it may be even a little longer than that. Sorry to keep you and a number of others waiting..."
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