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Posts posted by fromchaos

  1. Hey Everyone, I'm a Geology GIS double major at a large state school in New York. I'll be applying to Masters programs next fall for and I'm not really what level of school I should be applying to. I'd like to be able to go into O&G exploration and plan on applying to programs looking to study 'sedimentary/petroleum basin analysis' (Is 'basin analysis' to vague?)


    GPA: 3.5

    Degree: B.S. Geology, B.A. GIS

    Coursework: Geomorph, Mineralogy, Earth History, Petrology, Structure, Sed/Strat, Basin Analysis, Geochem, Climatology, MATLAB modeling, Programming in Python, many GIS classes (somewhat weak performance in chem/physics B-'s and C+'s)

    Research: ~a year of research + summer research (paleogeographic reconstructions of the Arctic based on sandstone quality)

    GRE: ill be taking a practice test this week

    Type of Student: American Male (Hispanic) <- Im assuming that could help??


    I figure that I probably don't have the credentials to apply to top tier schools (TA&M, UTA) but these are the schools I've been looking at: 


    Univ. Houston (reach?)

    Texas Tech

    Rice (reach?)


    UT Arlington

    Texas Christian Univ.

    San Diego State

    UT - Dallas ??

    UT - Permian Basin ??

    Northern Arizona 

    UT - San Antonio

    Univ. Miami

    Univ. South Florida


    All of these schools have at least one or two professors that I'd be able to contact based on my interests. Does anyone have any insight on any of these schools? Do they seem like reasonable choices? Also, when should I begin contacting POI's, in the beginning of the summer? 


    Thanks for your time  B)  ^_^

    Do well on the GRE and you should have a good shot at all of those. Rice is a great school, so is Miami...TexTech and Houston are pretty good too. If you can get over 320 and have good LOR you should have a decent shot.

  2. Hi All,


    I am a 3rd year undergraduate physics major with a 3.04 GPA (too many Cs in math class, though I have a mix of As and Bs in physics and astronomy classes). I am going to take the GRE this summer but I generally do horribly on exams.


    My research mentor and I submitted a paper for ApJ recently (I am first author). I will be working on another project this summer and hopefully result in another first author paper.


    My question: Is my research experience good enough to make up with my really bad grades and test scores?


    Thanks in advance for your kindness.

    You are just above the cutoff at most schools. I would say an elite program (top 20) or so is out of the question, top 50 or so may be possible depending on how GRE goes and what your LOR look like.


    My advice, lay the hammer down in class this semester. Do as well as possible, maybe even look to take a class or two in the Summer to boost your GPA. Also make sure to do well next semester as well, and wait for those grades to come in before you send out your applications. If you could get it up to say 3.2 I think that would make a huge difference. There are some schools who mostly only care about the last 60 credits, so finishing strong is important. Also it sounds like you may have taken a harder course load then others so this will likely be factored into things.


    You dont need to knock the GRE out of the park but you should have solid scores, especially on the quant in order to counter act your low math grades. The Verbal section is tough to study for other than taking a practice exam or two. The quant problems arent that hard but you have to be able to do them quickly (they are essentially hard 8-9th grade math problems) you need to know the quickest way to solve these problems. There are "tricks" to some of the problems, find out what they are and learn them.



  3. Hello everyone


    I received an admit in Petroleum Engg. from University of Tulsa but had the following queries regarding the admission process. I would be grateful if you could answer them for me :

    1. Though I applied to the thesis-based Masters, but I have been accepted into the non-thesis Masters program. Is such a program any good? If yes, then what are the prospects (job, research)? If not, then is it generally possible to get the program changed at a later point of time? ( I have the option of deferring the admission till Fall '16)
    2. Are students in non-thesis based Masters generally awarded funding? Since I am an international student, funding is essential for me to go anywhere.
    3. How is University of Tulsa for Petro? I primarily applied here because it had a cheap application fee (around $30 I guess, but they have been the most helpful with my application)
    4. On the whole, is enrolling in Grad School in Petro at this time a good idea?

    Thanks in advance

    Professional Masters hardly ever (if ever) get funded. I think they are being so nice because it is you, not them, who would be paying.

    I have no idea about their rep, havent heard much about them. Also when you say "in petro" it is confusing most people might think "petrology".

  4. Stanford is a bad choice for geology.  I'd reject that offer immediately and apply late to a 3rd tier school.

    Thanks mkd17!

    I was going to sit on it for a week or two but I will just email them back "no way Jose!" (the name isn't really Jose but you know what I mean)...Does anyone know if UC Boulder or Scripps accept late applications?


    Also is it rude to send an email to people at a school you want to contact? I want to talk to a possible POI at UC Boulder but I m afraid emailing them will come off as "pushy" and "desperate" ...should I just assume they will know how great I am and come to me?

  5. I just spoke with my POI he told me ALL funding is being rescinded. He emphasized ALL. Does that mean all their school's funding? Or all funding for grad students in general? Also Stanford just called me they said they found my cover letter floating around online (thanks Monster.com!) and they said they would really like me to come to Palo Alto but they can only offer me 50k a year for 9month appointment plus my own office? Should I go? I don't know I m so confused...!...please help!


    Also does anyone know if Stanford does geology stuff?

  6. Yeah I am not assuming that I am on some admitted list and somehow haven't been told.  I'm just like, don't send this unless people are accepted.  All these instructions that are not applicable to me.  The one school that wanted a handwritten letter of my BS degree GAVE me the BS degree so that was definitely annoying. 


    As for the other school, I visited and interviewed there and they are still in deliberations.  A number of people have told me I'm in, but they're still figuring out funding :rolleyes: .  Just aggravated because all these apps were in before the new year.

    What do you plan on studying?

  7. I repeatedly received financial aid emails from one school that I applied to AFTER I was rejected.  I had to email the financial aid department to request that they stop sending the emails.  THEN I had to send PROOF that I was rejected.  Talk about being annoyed.  Just a little anecdote to show that financial aid emails, postcards, and letters don't normally mean much. 


    The congratulations and your POI inquiry is a completely different story.  Have you contacted the DGS or front office to see if decisions have been made?  Maybe they mail out their notifications and yours is delayed/lost/etc. 

    I have been receiving financial aid letters from your school, where I was waitlisted.

  8. Why us !!! I still think he said I'll get admitted without funding. He even had a student who was accepted without funding for the first semester but later got funding. If accepted without funding, I was going to either defer my acceptance until funding was available or attend if they could refund me. Dark days these are dark days

    If it makes you feel better I now have offers from three schools two of which I consider more prestigous than the waitlist school and they all have better funding packages then I assume the waitlist school could provide.


    The Professor asked me when I graduated and if I could come out early in the Summer to get a head start on the Fall. He also mentioned how he wanted me to start thinking about fellowships because he was going to have me apply for a bunch in the fall. Not only did he act as if I was accepted but he acted as if I had accepted the acceptance.


    That being said I am better off now with the offers I have and I think you are better off not paying a semester or more of out of state tuition.

  9. Hi Janelle,

    I spoke to Dr. two weeks ago and he stated that I would get an acceptance to Nebraska with or without funding. May you look

    On Fri, Mar 13, 2015 01:40 PM, Janelle Gerry <jgerry2@unl.edu> wrote:


    I am sorry to report that our graduate committee did not recommend you for admission.

    As you might imagine, competition is keen for spaces when there are many qualified and deserving applicants. We can assure you every application is thoroughly evaluated and the faculty considers many factors when making admission decisions. The number of students who can be responsibly mentored and supervised in each research area is limited, and therefore we are unable to admit all students who seek admission.

    We appreciate your interest in the University of Nebraska-Lincoln and wish you the very best in your future academic endeavors.


    Dr. Clinton Rowe

    Professor of Earth & Atmospheric Sciences

    Director of Graduate Admissions

    Looks like it is from the department itself. I was wondering about the email from your POI where he said he would accept you with or without funding. Maybe others can help you interpert it.

  10. Well, I got a rejection today from Nebraska. I called the department up and they told me to email my POI and the committee chairman. I don't believe I misinterpreted him. He said that I would have a place regardless of funding at Nebraska. He said that I would be able to work for him so this is my situation now after I told my family that I was admitted. This is a nightmare it really is  

    Look at it this way, the rejection may have saved you a lot of money. If they sent you an official acceptance I am not sure how they can go back on it unless you falsified documents. It is possible the department accepted  you and the grad school rejected you. I think that is pretty rare but it happens, ususally the grad school requires a 300 GRE so maybe that is the issue.

  11. He's still on the fence. Guess I'll find out soon.

    I was actually in a similar situation and I think I got passed over because my POI thought I wouldn't go if accepted (which was a possibility but I did like the school alot). Sometimes you aren

    t good enough and sometimes you are too good I guess. Good luck with it all, you might want to send one more email him how committed you are to UT.

  12. I know some acceptances, as well as rejections have gone out. Also, I have not heard of acceptances in geophysics. The reason I bring it up is that I did have good contact with my POI there, through emails and met at AGU

    I emailed my POI yesterday and he said the first round of acceptances went out. I am unaware of a separation between when decisions are made for geophysics vs geology, there may be one but I am not sure. You could certainly email your POI but I assume he or she will tell you the same thing or less.

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