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Everything posted by darksteam

  1. Thank you goal2016 and EMPOWERgreRichC.
  2. Thank you Decaf. I think 100 is not a high score anymore too. Aiming for 110 .
  3. Thank you Mechanician2015. I have seen a lot of people suggest Magoosh app. I think I'm going to use it right away. Moreover, I think I will apply for Masters in Computer Engineering instead of Computer Science since my work here is about the infrastructure.
  4. To be more specific about my background, I have just failed to apply (Fall 2015) for Computer Science Masters program from 7 universities (US). They were Stanford, CMU, UMich, U-Wisconsin Madison, Princeton, UCSD, and Columbia. I live in a country where English is not my first language (I live in SEA). I have been working for a telecom company since I was graduated in Computer Engineering. So now i'm planing to apply for Fall 2016 (Spring 2015 maybe), but this time I would like to focus on Computer Engineering since my work is about infrastructure, servers, network link, which they are related to Computer Engineering more than Computer Science. So here are my questions, If i want to get into top universities (such as the universities which I failed above but I think I will change) 1. How much GRE should I reach ? and to reach that target how should I prepare ? 2. Should I ask the same professors to write me LORs for Fall 2016 ? 3. Do I have to re-test my TOEFL (100 last time which Reading 29, Listening 23, Speaking 23, Writing 25) ? Thank you for everyone who answers this post in advance.
  5. Thank to all of you. I think I will start looking around the topics about applications topic.
  6. I have applied for Computer Science Masters program. I got 7 reject and 0 accept. Should I reapply the same program at the same school next year ?
  7. Did anyone try contacting the departments? Or it's just only me who they forgot to notify.
  8. You are not the only one who is freaking out right now. Now I have 0 acceptance, 5 rejects, and 3 still no notification (8 total).
  9. I have applied computer science Masters program at Columbia, U-Mich, UC San Diego, U of florida, have not heard anything from them. I notice that most of these schools have sent acceptance to their qualified applicants. Lately, I have seen many applicants had been rejected from UCSD. I'm thinking that now I'm in the position of being rejected. Sigh.
  10. Yes, there is a direct rejection in revocation. I will quote it. "Earlier this morning, we mistakenly sent you an offer of admission to Carnegie Mellon's MS in CS program. This was an error on our part. While we certainly appreciate your interest in our program, we regret that we are unable to offer you admission this year." And the email I sent later to ask them about both acceptance and revocation emails. They have replied me already. "Dear (my name), Both did, in fact, come from the CS Department. Unfortunately, the second email is correct. You were not admitted to the program. The first email was in error. We are very sorry for our mistake. Take good care,"
  11. Yeah. I first received an acceptance email from CMU's MS in CS. Later, 7 hours, I woke up to see that there was a revocation email. Now, I'm not sure that both emails are officially. P.S. I have emailed to ask from them. But I think it needs some time because it's almost midnight at CMU.
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