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Posts posted by uebersetzen

  1. I keep my resume to one page. When I add something, there is usually something that I consider to be old enough or something that is irrelevant enough that I can remove it to keep space. Although that is getting harder as I get more involved in relevant activities. I'm three years out of undergrad so I'm kinda trimming out the extracurriculars that aren't relevant or I didn't play much of a leadership role in.


    And for my personal statement, at least when I was doing my application, they wanted "approximately" 650 words, which is about a page single spaced 11.5 font. So I kept it to that. I just didn't want to have to explain what I was talking about in my essay, when it was already explained in my resume. Looking over it, I talked about 2 jobs, one volunteer experience, and a relevant course that I took, plus future goals and how the program I was applying to fit into those goals.

  2. Yeah there was no way I could have fit all my work and volunteer experience and written a cohesive sop, and I didn't want to waste space explaining things that were explained on my resume. I kept my statement to 1 page single spaced and gave them my resume when I visited, although when I called they said I could email it and they would include it in my application file.

    Also, I submitted my application long before my letters of rec were submitted. I think my last letter of rec didn't get sent in until like a day before the deadline! And I got in pretty quickly after the deadline, like 2 weeks out. 

  3. @lsugirl I actually for the life of me cannot remember my NetID.... lol. So I haven't checked it in a while! Do you think they'll email/call or will notifications be via Galaxy? My letters didn't get submitted until right before September 15 so I assumed I wouldn't hear anything until at least October.

  4. Hi I just saw your response! Thank you! I feel like what I have most going for me is my experience... I graduated 3 years ago, would be 4 by the time I started the postbac. And I have gotten in lots of good experience since then. My grades weren't terrible but I'll be taking some science courses to fix some less-than-stellar grades I got freshman year :)


    Thanks again for your response, I appreciate it!!

  5. @lsugirl all it says is that my application is complete (I think). Is that what yours says?

    I believe I am STILL waiting on a couple of letters from professors... I should probably check in on that. But, like I said, Dr Stillman told me he would be making decisions in mid september, then finalizing everything in the beginning of october! Which in my opinion makes the whole process not realllly rolling admissions, haha. But thats mostly a bummer for people like you who applied so early!! Shoot!

  6. I met with Dr Stillman this morning and he said they're hoping to make decisions for spring 2016 in mid September, just so everyone who has applied is aware! He was very kind and seemed very approachable and understanding of the stress of finding a good fit for grad school. 

  7. Rolling admissions just means that they consider applications as they come in, rather than after a certain deadline. Theoretically, I guess. So theoretically, it would be better to apply earlier because they could have filled almost all the spots by the deadline of September 15.


    I just submitted everything to UTD today (though still waiting on letters of rec......), and I am visiting next week! So fingers crossed! :) 

  8. Cool! I think they key to this is including all of your experience, as you've listed above. Especially the ranch for kids with disabilities -- you could talk about a particular instance where you saw animals play a key role in a child's life (or therapy?). Really, making sure it doesn't read "Wow I just love animals!" is all you need to do to keep it from sounding juvenile, and the fact that you have a lot of legitimate experience does that.

  9. Yes! Totally agree. I think what gets me most about this class is that I feel like I don't get anything from the lectures -- almost everything is taken word for word out of the book, and I do the reading, so it is incredibly dull to listen to the prof rehash everything all over again!


    Were there any that you found especially interesting, or ones where the professor was particularly good?

  10. Hi! I'm currently in COMD 2500 online through USU. Wondering if anyone has recommendations on classes/professors they've really enjoyed online at USU, as I've been, well, underwhelmed with this course but I'm thinking of taking another this fall semester. I'm interested in the material, but the professor has seemed a bit lackluster, in my opinion. It could just be that the whole online format doesn't work for me, but I thought I'd throw it out there :)

  11. They're in my signature but if you're on mobile I think you can't see them? As follows:
    Out-of-field applicant (my BA is in English and German)
    Graduated with a 3.5
    GRE: 161 verbal + 151 quant
    Spent 2 years as an English teaching assistant through Fulbright. Now I work with kids with developmental disabilities. I'm applying to UTD and college of st rose for this spring, and if I don't get in I'll just keep plugging along on the prerequisites and working!

    How about you? Are you applying anywhere else?

  12. I guess this is sort of an impossible question, but I've noticed people here recommending applying early to schools that have rolling admissions -- UT Dallas in particular. It's making me nervous because I planned to apply to UTD in mid-August (September 15 deadline). Is this what people mean by "early" or not so much? I am taking a class and would like to include that transcript in my application, and I also have one letter of rec that definitely won't be submitted until August.


    Any thoughts?

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