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Posts posted by Shivanator

  1. Hi All, I am writing with some GREAT news! Over the Easter weekend I sent a note to the Grad Coordinator at Wilfrid Laurier enquiring as to when applicants would be notified of results.The next working day I received 3 emails one after the other.


    The first notifying me that I was accepted to the PhD Geography programme!

    The second the letter to provide to the High Commission to obtain the study permit.

    The third...CONGRATS on my award of the Ontario Trillium Scholarship!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    I'm thrilled beyond words!!!!!!!! :D

  2. Update, b/c the grad student union has won the strike at York and since I was mistaken about my acceptance, it appears I won't be  going to York. Or else anywhere in  the fall, I'm 0-10 or 0-11 on phd apps this Fall. For many reasons, my academic future is in the gutter and may be down the drain, it's not looking good at all. Good luck to the rest of you.

     This is Crazy....what happened? I'm sorry :(


    I didn't get into U of T as well :/ so it goes. Waiting on my 2nd app result.


    I'm not too surprised at this. The POI advised  from the start that they "usually" take just two international students each academic years simply cause the fees are too much.

  3. ^^ I can totally relate to the dreams! I've been pretty lucky as my first acceptance happened way earlier than I was even expecting. Have you looked in the results search to see when applicants to your programs started receiving news? That really helped me as I wasn't even thinking that I would hear any news before early March.


    Easier said than done, but try and keep yourself busy with other things (away from the computer!), I really think that when I was checking the results / my email multiple times that tended to increase my restlessness and anxiety. 


    Thanks for the response autumnreads--I check the results search religiously :/


    Unfortunately, my job requires that I be in front of a computer for most of the day--so i'm constantly checking...time I guess...just time!

  4. Guys, this waiting is really doing a number on me. Aside from me checking my email and admissions portals 101 times per day, now i've been DREAMING about it -- as you can imagine, I get up tired :/


    PhD Geography applicant here-- U of T and Laurier (any word or inside scoop)? I want to call/email the Offices but I don't want to seem like i'm bombarding them--i'm thinking to wait until the 1st March, which seems like a reasonable time, as applications closed off only at the end of Jan. Thoughts?


    Also, any suggestions as to how I can help control this anxiety? I'd be grateful



  5. Hi Breaks, thanks for the response.


    Finance--It is quite worrisome when making these decisions. I have applied for a couple grants/scholarships--so i'm hoping there. If I have a choice though, I would choose Laurier simply because my potential supervisor's work is spot on with mine, and she's pretty well recognised all over. But then funding is the issue.


    I wish you luck in making this decision. Please, let me know which direction you've taken.



  6. Hey guys, 


    Recently found this forum. It's so good to find a community that shares the anxieties and happiness as it comes.


    I applied to 2 Universities for the PhD Geography 1) U of T and 2) Wilfrid Laurier.


    Does anyone know when they are expected to send their decisions?




  7. Just an Update - 

    I spoke with the Graduate Advisor at UofT in the Poli Sci department, she said that the Ad-Com meets in the first week of March and then the decisions are announced relatively quickly, either that week or the next. I imagine this is for both the MA and PhD applicants. This seems to be pretty much in line with past years' results. 

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