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  • Gender
    Not Telling
  • Location
    Northern California
  • Application Season
    2015 Fall
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Decaf (2/10)



  1. Any ladies planning on going to NYU and need a roommate let me know?
  2. Hey! Have you heard from NYU?
  3. I found out last night that I was accepted to NYU!!
  4. I hope we get in! NYU is my first choice and I'm really hoping to be able to go. I really need to figure out where I'm going to live and I'm going to need to find a job so I hope we hear back soon so I know what I'll need to plan for.
  5. I submitted my application jan 8 but I talked to admissions today and I was told that the application was complete until the 20th so it hasn't been the full 6-8 weeks. The woman I spoke told me to wait a few more weeks and that my applications under review but I really wish they would hurry and let me know so I can begin planning and moving!! Do you think they send the emails to everyone who applied?
  6. Hey! Wondering if you heard anything from NYU? I've just gotten an email about financial aid and scholarships but still nothing about being accepted or not. Have you been getting various emails about the school and learning more about it and the program?
  7. Have you heard anything from NYU?
  8. Just curious have you heard back from SJSU?
  9. Thank you! That does make me feel a little better but it still doesn't take the anxiety away.
  10. After reading about so many people hearing back with acceptances I'm getting really worried! I submitted my application early Jan and still have not heard anything except the occasional thank for applying check out so and so emails but nothing regarding being accepted or rejected. I'm beginning to lose hope, anyone else in the same boat?
  11. Hey everyone, So I'm reading through posts and I've noticed quite a bit of people who submitted their applications to NYU back in Jan and have already heard back. I submitted mine back in Jan as well but I still haven't heard back, is there still hope for me? Maybe I'm just getting anxious waiting to hear back from schools. I've applied to three school and still haven't heard back from any....
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