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Everything posted by ltsax

  1. My grant authorization can by snail mail like 2 weeks after I received my selection email. However, everything else can by email pretty sporadically after that.
  2. Hey everyone I have a quick question. For those of you selected to do research in a country with its own commission, should we have received a country-specific terms and conditions form? Or, do we use the general one located on IIE's website? I'm asking because I received a grant authorization from Japan but no terms and conditions form. Thanks!
  3. Thats weird because I was able to register....
  4. Hey everyone! I've been trying to find a way to reach out to other students who were given a Fulbright to Japan....but I haven't had much luck. Should I just make a FB page and just hope that some eventually finds it lol. Its really frustrating, I have tried searching on twitter, FB, and even Tumblr for anyone who has announced there grant status.
  5. Hey everyone! Would anyone be interested in starting a Facebook group for people going to Japan? If so, feel free to send my a message! And congrats to everyone who was been accepted thus far!
  6. I know that at least for Japan, there wasn't an interview. I have also heard that not all countries that have interviews require all applicants to do one.
  7. Congrats!!!
  8. Thank you everyone! This forum has been so good to me over the past few months and I hope to hear more good news for everyone else going forward!
  9. I just found out that I was named as a Principle candidate to do public health research in Japan! My notification status was in the email heading (P). I'm so excited I can hardly type!!!
  10. Are you learning Korean and Chinese at the same time? Thats sound really cool, but also pretty hard lol. Besides Japanese, I would love to be able to speak Korean one day, but the thought of learning 2 Asian languages at once sounds difficult. I also really agree that you can't be afraid to make mistakes. When I studied abroad in Japan, as a perfectionist, I would often shy away from speaking to natives because of the fear of making a fool of myself (even though I still managed to do that a few times lol). Once of my goals going forward will definitely be to put myself out there more often.
  11. I just received a fellowship to study Japanese at Middlebury Language School so my Fulbright Adviser told me to email the regional coordinator (Johnathan Akeley (sp?) in my case) to briefly inform him. However, this is directly related to my qualifications to conduct my project. Thus, I would only email them if the Dean's Medalist award speaks to your ability to conduct your project.
  12. In an attempt to distract everyone from the lack of notifications, I would be curious to learn which programs have a language requirement and everyone's thoughts about the best way of learning foreign languages.
  13. Hey, I just sent Mr. Akeley the same email (except asking about Japan) and he hasn't responded yet. When did you send your email?
  14. If we are being notified by the NY office, then I would assume that notifications would stop after 5pm when the office closes.
  15. Do you have a Fulbright Adviser? Maybe you could ask him or her what you should do in this circumstance?
  16. How did you find out that they already made their decision?
  17. OMG, they didn't tell you until June!!! Which program did you apply to?
  18. Thanks and good luck to you too! And I want to study reasons for the recent obesity trends in young Japanese females.
  19. Hey! I just noticed that you go to UNC-CH like me! Where and what do you want to study?
  20. Is it weird that we have only had a few final notifications and it is already the 10th of March? Or is this what happened last year?
  21. Hey, your the first person (besides me) that I have see on this forum who also wants to go to Japan! What is your project about?
  22. Do you mean how much/how long it would be for me to get my master's degree in Japan? That would be really useful! I've always contemplated geting a degree in Japan and also do professional translating on the side.
  23. For my application, (I'm a graduating senior if that makes a difference), we were actually told not to reach out to anyone in Japan before being accepted (unless you were doing a life sciences related project). I think Japan's application is unique in that way.
  24. Since Japan doesn't have anything equivalent to the IRB I really dont need to get IRB approval to do my project, but if I want to public my data in the states then I need to get it. However, it is a very long and tedious process to to make the interview questions, get them professionally translated and then the actual IRB process so I don't want to start until I know whether or not I am accepted. And thanks ! Good luck to you as well! For Japan, you can't contact Japanese universities ahead of time so I have no idea where I will be going lol. What do you do in Japan?
  25. Hello everyone! I have been following this forum for a long time and this is my first time posting. I am applying to do a public health research project in Japan. Is there anyone else who is applying to Japan as well? I would love to hear about your project! Also, does anyone else have to get IRB approval before doing their research? I am weary about starting the IRB process if there is no gurantee that I will be accepted.
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