Hello all! I'm one of the looky-loos who's bookmarked this topic and constantly stalks but never created an account to comment #passivewitness - Just wanted to thank yall for engaging in the community - makes this process seem less lonely!
I also applied to UT T&D (along with Michener - which didn't work out - sighhhh!) - still "in review" for T&D but feeling less and less hopeful every day - also like a little miffed that I paid 2 app fees!!!
Just felt compelled to engage in the convo - still crossing fingers for UT but also like "meh, I'll just keep applying till it happens" - want to stay close-ish to Dallas to I can still have a semblance of a relationship with my partner and dogs so Michener and UT T&D are my only exciting options. We'll keep on trucking!