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  • Gender
    Not Telling
  • Location
    South East Asia
  • Application Season
    2015 Fall
  • Program
    Doctoral in Education

ELB's Achievements


Decaf (2/10)



  1. Response time varies. I received my official admit 6 weeks after unofficial email from one of the adcoms. I would advise you to call them and explain your situation. All the best!
  2. Hi guys, I hope those who posted on here had received your much anticipated news. Personally as a closure to this post, I finally received my official acceptance after 6 weeks of waiting in agony. For those who received news that might not be favorable on your end, please don't give up. Once again, thank you for sharing your thoughts in here. It really helps to be connected with others who share the same concern with us. Take care and all the best for your future endeavor!
  3. The key is to be 'extremely' patience. I had received my unofficial from one of the adcomms. on Feb 24th and only received official acceptance last Sunday. The wait is crazy and nerve wrecking, but really, the key is to be completely patience and try not to bug the people at the department as well as graduate dean's office as they have many applications to process as well. Good luck!
  4. thumb tack
  5. Trainer bra
  6. Hi everyone... I hope by now some of you who wrote on here had already gotten the awaited answer, be it good or bad. Anyway, here's an update, I called the department and was informed by the admin officer that the official result will be released this Friday, if not latest by Wednesday for the Graduate Dean's Office to release it to the system. I did ask her if she has the result on her hand, she was hesitant and told me that she was not authorized to release it over the phone. How cruel...Anyway, from her tone, I could gauge that it is going to be a rejection for me...but for the rest of you, I wish you all the best!
  7. Amphibian plane
  8. I did that too, 12 days ago to be exact. Still nothing, so I'm just going to wait till April 1st to give them a call.
  9. It has been a month since I was notified......I hope you don't have to wait as long as I do...
  10. Glad to know I'm not the only one.... worse, I felt like I was given a false hope. My POI informed me that my application has been recommended at once for admission. Sadly, he has been quiet ever since.
  11. Try looking up on craigslist.com to get some idea on how much you are going to pay for your car. They have lots of used cars listed on their website.
  12. Hi there, First of all thanks for those who kindly share their experiences on here. At the moment, I am also facing similar situation with the poster. I was notified by my POI nearly a month ago about my admission. However, I am still waiting to hear back about my official letter. The situation is driving me insane, but deep down I think, perhaps what's taking them longer is to decide fellowship provision, matching me and other applicants to the most fitting adviser. That's what's keeping me from getting on the verge of insanity hahha... Anyway, all the best for all of you!
  13. Hey there... I hear you on this one. When I had my interview in Feb, one of my adcoms pointed on the frankness about my moment of failure during my undergrad and how did I overcome it was among qualities that they seek for the applicants in their program. She said not many people, especially in the field of academia have the audacity to openly talk about their shortcomings in life. Of course at the beginning it was sort of a gamble knowing that I am competing with the straight As type, but I believe I represent the other type of students, those who wanted to succeed because they know the bitter taste of failure and because of that, I had built a solid body of work to show that I am not the person I was during my undergrads.Following my interview, I was accepted into their PhD in Education at one of the universities in upstate New York.
  14. Not sure if this helps, I applied to a different school at Rochester University, (Warner School of Education) and have heard back from them on Feb 24th. Good luck!
  15. Thanks for your kind and encouraging response you guys. Reading and sharing your response restored my sanity and makes me less anxious. Congrats for those who have been officially admitted and good luck for those who are still waiting.
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