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Everything posted by cfortner2

  1. Accepted to Eta in Thailand!!!! Freaking out!!
  2. I think the Fulbright people must have all just decided to take spring break this week....
  3. Here's to another work week of notifications!!
  4. Can anyone else not sleep because they are thinking about Fulbright??? Can't take this much longer.
  5. This is super convenient and all the same place! People being notified earlier this year than past years is freaking me out@@@ https://docs.google.com/a/elon.edu/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AsJrSSHnssqFdHNPell4VVZwWDgtWUpQcTVVeWM0bWc&usp=sharing#gid=8
  6. Hey friends! I'm loving this blog - it gives me one more thing to compulsively check everyday!! I'm a finalist for ETA in Thailand, and I haven't seen many others on here. Any other Thailand or Southeast Asia out there? Good luck to everyone!! I feel your pain.
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