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    I/O Psych PhD

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Decaf (2/10)



  1. Wow, talk about reviving a dead thread... Just completing my first year of grad school, and I can say without equivocation that working in the first year of my program would have been akin to suicide. Now next year I only have three classes, and one of those in the first semester is a thesis class. May be feasible then due to the reduced workload, but I am supposed to be taking that extra time to work on my thesis project. I have begun tutoring a bit on the side which is providing a bit of income, but even at $30-40hr 4-6 hrs per week that doesn't really make much of a dent in NYC's cost of living.
  2. Chchadder


    Rickrolled!! HA!
  3. Chchadder


    Yep, Internet Explorer cannot display the webpage I am requesting. Of course it was announced to be down for maintenance tonight so...
  4. Chchadder


    I went away for a few days and there were like 12 pages on this post, now there are 47.
  5. Baruch College CUNY (NYC) Industrial/Organizational Psych PhD
  6. 18k over 9 months for four years (adjusted annually) plus 7k over summers possible to work on my thesis. No teaching or TA required, but 20hrs/week RA. After the first year I can teach for extra $$$ as well. After 1yr of teaching they pick up my tuition, after second year they pick up health insurance (maybe the other way around).
  7. I was waitlisted at Texas A&M, Clemson, Virginia Tech, and UNC Charlotte. VT told me pretty early that due to my position on their wait list I would most likely not be offered a slot. UNC and Clemson formally notified me of not being accepted shortly after the 15th. Texas A&M offered me a slot on the 14th and I turned them down on the fifteenth. Sticking with my original acceptance here in the city.
  8. Staying here in NYC and going to Baruch for I/O Psychology PhD. Felt bad about turning down Texas A&M, but their offer didn't come through until day before yesterday and I'm pretty set in the city here.
  9. At the visitation day I attended for the program I had already accepted to (most of the prospectives were still considering) we were introduced to essentially all four years of grad students. We had lunch with them and the faculty, and then the faculty left so that we could have some one-on-one with the students. Everyone seemed realistically happy about the program and very congenial/enthusiastic about us newbs. Went out for a few beers after with some of the first and second years and had a great time.
  10. I will be at Baruch for I/O Psychology, having done my BA at City College CUNY. "Conformograd?" That's a good one. As with all schools, it is all field/department dependent. Having met the faculty and looked into their research and backgrounds, I am very happy with my choice. And very happy to continue with CUNY, though turning down other choices was difficult.
  11. Well if I can ever get my mom to get her own place I will have a furnished room available. :roll: A bit pricy, but this is NYC...
  12. For those looking for a spot at TAMU, one just opened up. I was top of their wait list and given a slot last night that I just turned down. it was a hard choice, but decided to stay in the city I'm in at one of my top choices.
  13. At the visitation day for the school I am planning on attending, we got to sit down privately with the current cohorts of grad students in the program for some real questions about life in the program. Basically, it comes down to a "don't ask, don't tell" sort of mentality at least where I am at. Everyone knows that NYC is friggin expensive, and that the funding levels, while at the top end of the spectrum nationally, are still really not that feasible to live on. As long as your academic work and requirements for your fellowship/stipend are not suffering because of one or two quiet shifts of work, there is generally no problem. But if one has to give...work has to go.
  14. CUNY kid here. I don't know about your particular field, but in general I think the power of the Ivies and top privates like NYU are overrated. CUNY is an overall excellent institution, and the Graduate Center has a strong reputation and track record. Generally their funding is at the top end of the spectrum as far as stipends go, but that is coupled with the fact that NYC is damned expensive! That being said, there are opportunities to make a bit more money over the summers with CUNY that extend the stipend dollars a bit.
  15. It does suck to have to turn down offers, but at the same time it is nice to be wanted... I was (am still) wait listed by a few schools, some which were in close contact with me about my position as well as my interest. I received an early offer from one of my top schools that was also pretty much at the top end of the stipend spectrum as it is, though cost of living is much higher here in NYC than in other areas. Over the last few days one of my Texas schools began emailing me with the possibility of an offer that they just extended late last night. Turning them down wasn't easy, and I kept delaying hitting "send" on the email until I had rewritten the email at least ten times. Some were easier than others. The two that couldn't offer me their PhD program, but would love to have me pay them to do my Masters...didn't even respond to them. Well, maybe I'll send them a form email.
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