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Everything posted by sunseeker

  1. Just got news of MIT acceptance. Delivered by FedEx to the UK. Im Comparative. 5 yrs funding. one summer. really shocked, and now very confused. Comparative at MIT, any opinions?
  2. Hi Maicondoublas, this was what UNC offered me just FYI- don't know if they offered more to other people. Hope you hear back either way soon! Good luck!! "$15,000 for the 2011-2012 academic year ( requires twelve to fifteen hours per week of departmental service, usually in the form of teaching assistant duties.)...out-of-state tuition ($14,730)... You will only be responsible for paying student fees, which are currently about $1,840 for the first academic year... health insurance premium (worth about $2,270 this year). Although we are not permitted legally to make binding commitments to fund students beyond their first year of study, I can inform you that, even during our worst budget years, our department has awarded assistantships to our second- through fifth-year students. In other words, you can reasonably expect four additional years of departmental financial aid (for a total of five years of funding), contingent on making satisfactory progress in the program."
  3. Congrats to the Rochester and Yale admits! amazing news! In unrelated news I withdrew from IUB and UNC and hope this opens up a spot for others- great programs, just not ideally located for me. Good luck to all, eagerly awaiting the NY schools... surely NYU by end of the week? anybody know about Columbia too?
  4. Big, big congrats to the UC Berkeley admits! great news! and stressball we continue to hope they are not done with Comparative! Fingers crossed!
  5. Also in at WUSTL (Comparative) same package as described above. Research interest comparative elections/legislatures (main regional focus Africa) surprised WUSTL liked that! Email came in at 12.16 EST.
  6. Calmein, I heard that UCLA is not done with admitting (a friend has had unofficial news (not from faculty member) of acceptance, but no email yet). Crossing fingers for you.
  7. Hi, just to claim the UCLA acceptance for Comparative this morning (email from Prof. Geddes). Funding - $23,000 in first year and $15,000 minimum in fourth and guaranteed TAship for 3 years, so 5 years in total. The email looked standard with one personalized line. Good luck people!
  8. Just to update those who are interested. I just rang GWU to ask if they can advice when notifications may be sent out (a bit impatient of me I know). They said the Graduate Admissions Secretary is out until Monday... However, they gave me her email and I have emailed her. If I get a response I will post it here.
  9. I claim one. It was a generic email obviously sent automatically- time sent 2.59am. Good luck!
  10. Thanks for replying. And also massive congrats to yourself, SP and Tan. I'm glad admissions is going well for you guys!
  11. Are any of the UCLA admits Comparativists? I know Tan is Pol. Theory, what about the rest? Thanks alot. Im really, really hoping for UCLA to break my string of rejections. (0 for 3 so far). At least I guess all admissions will be done there on Monday.
  12. Acceptances and some rejections did go out at Michigan. I haven't heard either way as well. As I posted on here a while back, I emailed them on Tuesday and their reply was: We are not quite done with admissions decisions. We hope to have them completed within the next week. Just have to hold tight on this one...
  13. Sorry to hear that. Just hang on though, don't feel written off yet, there is plenty that can still happen. I just logged in and I don't have a link...my laughable/desperate Northwestern wait continues.
  14. Don't suppose anyone has been in touch with UCLA laterly? Just wondered if we had any idea when acceptances might go out? PS. Emailed Northwestern and rang them twice, no reply. Wish they would just reject me and not play around!
  15. All this waiting..arrgh... and the Berkeley news (Big congrats to those who got in!) has sent me over the edge! In my dismay I emailed Michigan to see if they could check my status, this was their reply: We are not quite done with admissions decisions. We hope to have them completed within the next week. I also emailed Northwestern and will update if I get anything back from them. (Subfield: Comparative)
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