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  • Application Season
    2016 Fall

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Decaf (2/10)



  1. BU for sure - have you heard back/been accepted?!
  2. I always got to remind myself of that - good to hear it from someone else though!
  3. Anyone heard from BU yet? Looks like someone was accepted last week based on gradcafe results...?
  4. @Maybel I was admitted as well! Still waiting to hear back on the aid front but it's not looking too great already. /:
  5. @bennyj1093 same! But then I thought that maybe they use the address on our SlideRoom account? Not entirely sure.
  6. Congrats @jamesprongs101, that's awesome! So I haven't heard or received anything from CMU...what does that mean?
  7. @Maybel I know! I got the request as well; are you excited about interviewing?!
  8. Hey y'all! Been a lurker till now. Applied to CMU, Ohio, Brown, The New School, and SAIC. I know most of these haven't reached out yet but anyone heard from The New School? Do they interview?
  9. @sealou, glad to see I'm not the only one! @annabananaphone, that's great! What did your visit consist of? What's the school like? I'm currently living abroad so unfortunately cannot visit the campus.
  10. Hey all! I've been following this forum for a while now. Congrats to everyone on their success; its amazing to see such a community of playwrights supporting one another! Question here; I noticed a few of you have gotten accepted to Ohio U for playwriting. I applied as well but have yet to hear back so I assumed I was not accepted. However, I emailed the department last week and was told that a decision for my application has not yet been made. What does this mean exactly?
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