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Everything posted by germanhistory
There's a Marburg Industries in California... at least the weather would be nice?
In that case, Horb: you almost definitely didn't get it. (just trying to help suppress positive thoughts)
Actually, that's probably a good sign. Don't they send out rejections before they do acceptances?
Damn, me too. It IS definitely a relief though! Now I can plan my summer. Good luck to everyone else!
For real though... I originally applied for programs that started in May, but then they emailed me at the end of December and said that all programs had to start after June 1st. I'm really grateful for that now, because that would suck otherwise!
Wow, that's so demoralizing. Yeah, I guess let's just hope to hear back before May...
I applied to Frankfurt and Marburg and would be thrilled either way! I'm hoping for today but thinking realistically that it'll be next week. It HAS to be next week though, right?? If not today?
Haha that would be so amazing! In a perfect world we would both get to go to Marburg! haha. In other news, I think that the DAAD has officially broken me. I'm still really excited to hear from them, but I've stopped checking my email every few seconds. You win, DAAD!
Right, plus funding goes a lot further in lesser known locations! I applied to Marburg, which I think would get fewer applications then, say, Berlin or Munich.
Being an alternate would be truly terrible... I'm not sure how many awards they've given out in the past versus how many applicants they've had. It'd be nice to know what our chances are though!
Haha well, given that the June programs start in 6 weeks... maybe like a week or two?
Same! Haha. Looking back at what I requested, though, I definitely brought this problem on myself. One of my choices goes from beginning of June-beginning of August, and the other was a 4-week program either in June or July! Soooo I basically gave them my entire summer to work with! haha
Hmm, I thought I remembered them saying something like the course you end up in is at their discretion, but maybe they just meant that you might end up with your alternate choice. That would make more sense than them just sticking you in some random program!
Yeah, this is rough. I'm basically planning things for the summer around when my program could potentially be, but they can put us in any program with any starting and ending date, so..
That's a good point... So maybe best case scenario would be the end of the week, but we're more likely to hear next week. Wow, conceivably then, we may not hear back from them until April 24th or so.. at that point, it's already the end of April and we'd be 5 weeks out from some of the programs starting. Let's hope that we hear at the end of this week or the beginning of next!
I think we'll hear probably towards the end of the week, unfortunately. That won't stop me from checking my email every 5 seconds, but that's my guess.
Hmm, I could email them tomorrow if we haven't heard by then and ask when and how we can expect to receive word.
I think emailing them if we don't hear by tomorrow would be okay. After all, they did tell you "late March/early April," and I'd say we're just about beyond that point. Besides, we need to know if we should be buying plane tickets and whatnot.
That's what I'm starting to think...
I don't think anyone's received any news yet, good or bad.
Haha, for me I guess old habits die hard, because I checked my email just as often as ever, even though I knew I wouldn't get anything. Then again, I was also procrastinating pretty hardcore, so there's that.
Aaand they just announced it! I was doing the same thing. Sad day.
Same! I just want to know for sure so I can make alternate summer plans if need be.