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Everything posted by germanhistory

  1. germanhistory


    That's good to know! I guess I'll stop checking my email and hope for Monday!
  2. germanhistory


    Ugh.. well, I guess I sit in front of the computer all day anyway, if I'm being honest with myself... Time to just keep refreshing that email!
  3. germanhistory


    Great! I didn't see your post when I wrote my last comment. I guess it'll be next week for sure then, if that's what they told you.
  4. germanhistory


    I think it's kind of all over the place; I saw from a couple years ago that they found about the intensive language course in mid-March. Obviously we're past that point now, but I don't think I can wait until the middle of April! haha
  5. germanhistory


    Chocolate IS good for that.. I have no idea whether I'll get it or not. One interesting thing though: after I turned in my application, I got a couple of emails from DAAD. One was telling me that they needed a letter from my current university confirming I'm a student, and then they told me that the options I picked wouldn't work out and that I needed to select different ones. I can't decide if it's a good sign that they let me fix my application, like maybe they thought it was really good, or maybe they're just nice people who were willing to help instead of just throwing out my app. Or, maybe the whole thing will just count against me. Who knows.
  6. germanhistory


    Will today be the day? I'm going to put on my optimistic pants and say yes, today will be the day we hear from them, for real this time!
  7. germanhistory


    Oh my gosh, that's awesome! Congratulations!
  8. germanhistory


    That's probably a solid bet. So we have another 45 minutes to hear back today.. I'll be checking my email every 5 seconds!
  9. germanhistory


    It better be!! Although through some feat of willpower, I managed to not check my email until about a minute ago, and just about had a fit when I saw that I didn't have anything yet... But yes! Today will definitely be the day!
  10. germanhistory


    Haha I like your picture too, Moochie. Great minds haha. And yeah, it better be tomorrow! It HAS to be, right?
  11. germanhistory


    Maybe it's for the best that we're most likely not hearing today. Given the fragile state of my sanity, if I were to actually get an acceptance today, I would probably just assume that it was a cruel April Fool's prank that the universe was playing on me! haha
  12. germanhistory


    I'm in a horrible cycle of writing like half a sentence for a paper, checking my email, raging that I haven't gotten anything, coming to this site, and then repeating.
  13. germanhistory


    Optimism of hearing today. haha. But yeah, I'm it could still be today, or tomorrow or Friday, which I guess would be okay too!
  14. germanhistory


    COME ON DAAD! Although with each hour that passes, I lose more and more optimism.
  15. germanhistory


    Let's hope this year is one of those times!
  16. germanhistory


    I'm sorry to hear that, but I'm sure other opportunities will come your way! So it sounds like all the Study Scholarship people are hearing today, so maybe tomorrow? This wait is seriously killing my productivity. I just need to know one way or another so I can actually get back to work and stop checking my email every 5 seconds...
  17. germanhistory


    Nice! Good luck to you.. I really hope we hear today or tomorrow. I don't even want to think about the state of my sanity (or lack thereof) if we don't at least hear by Friday afternoon..
  18. germanhistory


    I asked for Leipzig as my first choice, but I'm completely blanking as to what my second pick was... I think maybe Berlin? What about you?
  19. germanhistory


    Hey everyone! Long-time lurker, but I figured I'd jump in and join the conversation. Congrats to everyone who's been accepted! Has anyone heard anything about the Intensive Language Grant? I'm a Master's student who applied for one, and the suspense is killing me!
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