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Everything posted by GarrettN

  1. Fantastic! The slavery museum is a gem.
  2. Bailey24, I received a Fulbright for the UK, and I had previously spent 3 months there in a study abroad program, and another month total for vacation and research. I'm not sure how much stock they put into this, but I fared alright.
  3. Horb, I received the 2015-16 Fulbright Postgraduate Award to University of Liverpool to do an MA in International Slavery Studies. I focused about 1/3 of my Statement of Grant Purpose talking about the resources located in Liverpool and throughout the UK. Especially given that the UK is tiny and travel for research is extremely feasible, I would definitely discuss the opportunities for research throughout the land. (I included libraries, public history, NGO's/IGO's, and other centres for slavery studies.) To be honest, the majority of the primary source material for my thesis will probably come from the BL and NA; but the main feature of my proposal hinges on my course rather than my research.
  4. Yeah, I got the email as well. I already signed the Consent form and uploaded it to SSP as the participant release form. It was approved by the IIE folks so I assume that form is good to go. Others have commented about the Terms & Conditions form. I emailed Marla back and asked if the T&C form the UK Commission sent us was the same form. Apparently it is not. The one the Commission sent us was a country-specific one, but Marla is asking for a "general" T&C form that should have also been sent to us from the Commission (confusing, eh?). I emailed the UK Commission coordinator about this and I'm waiting to hear back. I'll keep y'all posted.
  5. I got a Student Award to do my MA in the UK! Found out last night at about 7 MST!
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