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Everything posted by Awhitehouse2

  1. https://www.facebook.com/groups/1101803146496680/ this is the link to the group! Hope you all can find it!
  2. No way? Add me on Facebook and I can help you with where to live etc! Amy Whitehouse
  3. I got accepted to UCF!!!! Check your portal
  4. Oh maybe! That's super weird tho. Maybe it's different in different states haha
  5. Yeah all of them do! In our major at least. I thought you had to have a PhD to teach at the university level.
  6. I know! We don't have enough slps that go on and get their PhD to teach! That's why I would love to further my education after my master's.
  7. Yeah but both those fields don't guarantee you a job! Ours does! :)
  8. I know it sucks! My friend applied to UCF for mental health counseling for spring and got accepted like two weeks later. Apparently almost everyone gets in for that program though... Must be nice! haha
  9. I was told they accept 40 and shoot for 35-38 cohort. I hope they accept 50! Lol in my dreams
  10. Yeah that's exactly what happened. This fall cohort only had 24 people! That's so small. In a way, that might give us an advantage because they might want to accept more people for the spring cohort to even things out.
  11. I don't know either. I do know that some people from out of state I'm sure accepted their acceptances somewhere else besides UCF because UCF took too long. So hopefully that gives the people who only get accepted to UCF a chance! I'm not too sure how long people have to decide by. I know last semester that was a problem because I don't think UCF required people to let them know or something because the fall cohort was so small. They assumed the people they accepted were going to UCF but then they were 10 people or more short so they had to quickly send out more acceptances a couple months later. That's just what I heard from people at UCF. I'm thinking that this semester hopefully they changed that and made people decide within the week or someone.
  12. So do you think each wave has rejections and acceptances ?
  13. Wow! Ugh! I'm so nervous!
  14. Wow! Are you serious!!! That gives no time to find a place and move!
  15. I haven't heard anything either. I decided that if I don't hear by the end of the week I'll start applications for fall. I'm just being stubborn!
  16. Any news??? I can't imagine we find out any later than Wednesday..
  17. Really? I just thought it was unusual that UCF is taking a while, I didn't know it could happen for other schools as well! Seems like everyone has found out but us ! Ugh
  18. I'm assuming we will find out next week. I'm honestly shocked it has been this long! Happy thanksgiving to you as well!:)
  19. Do you think this means they are sending out decisions today??
  20. Yeah I also know of mostly rejections and one acceptance. It's getting pretty weird that majority of people haven't heard anything! Praying that it's a positive thing!
  21. I haven't started... I'm super procrastinating because I'm just praying that I get in :/ I'll have to retake the gre which will be awful. That's like my nightmare test lol
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