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Posts posted by angiebruin

  1. Hi! I am from CA and got into the extended program in CSUEB and SJSU. Any thoughts on these two programs?


    The degree from CSUEB will be MS and SJSU is MA (in Education).

    CSUEB takes 3.5 years/less intense/quarter system (3-4 classes)

    SJSU takes 3 years/a bit more intense/semester system (5-6 classes)


    CSUEB seems to have shitty clinical supervisors

    SJSU staffing problems?


    My friend goes to CSUEB and she has a fine experience there (she's getting all A, having a social life, worked quite a bit in the first 2 years) but she wouldn't say she love the program.


    FACEBOOK friend attending SJSU said she likes the program and there aren't that many negative things about it.






    Hi, there! I was just curious as to what decision you made? Thanks!

  2. I just emailed, and it looks like I'm in the lower third of the top tier! The waiting continues, but it looks like my chances of getting in aren't very high! *sigh*


    This is what she said regarding spots available:

    "At this point, we are very close to reaching our plan capacity. I expect that we will fill the available positions from the top of the Tier 1 waitlist, probably within the next week. I can't, of course, give absolutes, since it all depends on the responses we receive. As soon as we have our cohort completed, we will communicate to the rest of the waitlist that the process has closed."

  3. Hi Angie!


    I prefer Portland for a couple of reasons: cost & location. Honestly, I don't think that one program is better than the other. I am personally focused on bilingual certification and both offer that. So it really just boils down to where I want to live and how much it will cost me haha! But as of now, I don't really have a choice; I emailed Erica yesterday and I'm in the middle third of the top :/ Doesn't look like I'll be getting in. But I'm excited for Redlands even if it is significantly more haha! 


    Awesome! Let me look into some stuff too! Let me know what you decide! I would like my own room as well- but I'll take whatever I can afford! There's another girl on here looking for a roommate as well, so maybe we could all just end up near each other! Which I would totally love for study groups and moral support (: 




    Hi Melanie! My full name's Angelica :)


    I'm interested in bilingual, too! Wooo! I should probably give her a call! The last time I called was on the 15th, because I was wondering about the supplemental app (which we didn't even need to have done by the 15th). I haven't gotten an acceptance either, so it looks like we might be at about the same level? I'm surprised because the wait list email made it seem like those that were in the top tier were basically in!


    It would be awesome if we could end up living close to each other! I'm pretty set on that place based on my online search, but I'll be going to see what the options are in May just to make sure. So excited to start grad school! 

  4. Oh man, San Jose is the worst when it comes to admissions!! They too claimed to have never received my transcripts, told me to resend them, only to then send me an email stating that they found the original batch. Then it was like pulling teeth to get them to change my "incomplete file" status on their portal site. Goodness! 


    It was really frustrating! It sucks that I found out after the 15th, and they're only giving me until the 20th (tomorrow) to decide. 

  5. Anyone heard from SJSU?


    If you haven't already heard from them, I suggest you contact them! They sent me an email a couple weeks ago saying they withdrew my application because of missing transcripts. After I contacted them, they later said that they found them and would send my app to the department. I tried contacting the department for about a week and failed. They finally emailed me on Saturday saying that I had been admitted and should have known at the end of March. Can you imagine if I had just allowed them to get away with telling me I was missing documents? I'm not sure if I'll attend, but it was definitely very unprofessional.

  6. Yay!! I'm excited to see some prospective Redlands students. I was beginning to think I was one of the very few on this site!

    I have a few schools I'm waiting to hear from as well regarding waitlists, but who knows if anything will come of those? Haha Congrats on the Portland state waitlists...the competition there this year was crazy!!

    Btw, I just visited redlands last weekend and the campus is gorgeous. I'm also from California, but live about 90 miles from campus so I'll definitely need to relocate as well. I don't know a ton about the area, but I've started to research safe and friendly apartment buildings if you guys need any input.


    Thanks, Holly! I feel like every program is competitive in our field, so it's a big accomplishment for all of us!


    It's been over a year since I last visited the campus, but it is def beautiful! 


    Hey Angie!


    I'm in the same boat as you... Accepted at Redlands (CA resident) and top tier waitlisted at PSU. I decided to go ahead and hold my spot at Redlands but I'm still waiting to hear from PSU because that's my top choice. It's frustrating haha! Either way, wondering if you're looking for a roommate? I'm about 2 hrs from campus at Redlands and I am looking to move close to the university. Let me know! (:


    Mel, that's awesome! If you don't mind me asking...what is it that makes PSU your top choice vs. Redlands? I'm just curious as to what your thought process has been, because I have been torn between the two (especially if I end up getting into PSU). The reason I'm leaning more toward Redlands is that they a great prof for aural (re)hab, which is what I am most interested in at this point. 


    As far as getting a roommate, I am undecided as of right now...I would def want my own room though! There's one complex in particular that I'm interested in called Del Flora Apartments! It's very nicely updated!


    I got accepted off the wait list, so it looks l will be attending Redlands this fall! Has anyone started a facebook group yet!?


    I don't think there is a FB group yet...but we can all add each other on FB for now! Or if someone knows how and wants to make one, that would be awesome!!

  7. I'm new to this thread, but I thought I'd jump in! 


    I applied to Redlands last year as a 3-year student and got wait-listed. They also would not tell me my rank on the list when I asked, but when they opened up the wait list I didn't get in. From stats that I looked at on ASHA, they accepted about 65 students last year hoping that the class size would be between 20-25 students. So I think they hope that at least some of those people will accept, which makes sense why they don't make it very far down the wait list!



    Anyway, I ended up doing a post-bacc (4.0 GPA) this year and got in! I also got into the University of Houston and wait-listed at Portland State (tier one). I will most likely accept my offer at Redlands, because I am from California. I would also like to get into Portland State, though!

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