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Everything posted by eltee

  1. Accepted to Hopkins drph for health policy this morning. So happy and excited as I only applied to two programs. A very dumb approach in retrospect, but very glad this one worked out!!!
  2. Just got a decision letter from harvard for the DrPH...rejected as expected since was never invited to interview!
  3. Yes, they mentioned in one of the admissions sessions it's historically been about or below 15%. From talking with a faculty member I know at hopkins, she said they are expecting a very high number of applications because of the pandemic due to overwhelming new interest in public health, but that many of these applications would probably be low quality.
  4. @Howisit2022already @drphhopefulI didn't get an interview invite either so I guess we're all in the same boat on this one...what are the chances they only interviewed candidates they are on the fence about? Trying to hang on to a last shred of hope lol
  5. I wonder if they might have replaced interviews with the Kira Assessment? I attended several of the info sessions run by the admissions department and don't recall anyone ever mentioning an interview phase beyond what was required by the kira assessment... Unless anyone else here knows differently?
  6. Nevermind - I just re-read the Harvard confirmation and they say they will release decisions mid-February to mid-march!
  7. I believe Harvard is releasing decisions at the end of this month. Hopkins is a bit later as mentioned.
  8. Is anyone else still having nightmares about how anxiety inducing the Harvard Drph kira assessment was? Good luck to all in the waiting game!
  9. Question for folks who are writing about the GRE scores - from my understanding, neither Harvard nor Hopkins are looking at scores. You can submit them with your application but they won't even consider them as part of your assessment. How are people managing demonstrating quant abilities if you did not have a quant focus in undergrad/grad as much without this component?
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