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  • Application Season
    2015 Fall

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  1. Mid-June? It's only 3 weeks maximum then, at least they didn't say July! Stay positive! It will come. Easy for me to say as... Mine came today. It actually came and it is a yes. Full funding. I'm over the moon! *happy dance* I'm cheering for you all the way, so when it actually comes, do not forget to update me! Also, if you want some good "waiting it out"-music check the thread for some awesome music, makes you feel better~ *fingers crossed*
  2. It's Monday. What does that mean? That the possibility of actually getting an answer today is there. Something MIGHT turn up. No idea how realistic it is to wait an answer on Monday. Or this week even. I kept waiting last week as well. I keep thinking it might be "any day now". I wish it was weekend forever, so I could keep lulling myself to the certainty that it will not be today, as people don't work today. More reasons to love the weekend. I'm going crazy. Yay! *listening I want you (She's So Heavy) - The Beatles*
  3. Haha, this reminds me of something I heard awhile back... Why were Star Wars Episodes 4, 5, and 6 released before 1, 2, and 3? Because in charge of scheduling Yoda was. Anyway, thanks! I really hope so too! Good luck to you too with the German programs! I know you can do it~
  4. This forum has become my escape from revision. Loving it! Germany is absolutely amazing, lived there for a year (Au-pairing) and recommend it to anyone considering it. The people are just lovely, everything is very organized, so everything moves quickly, and the weather is nice, not too cold (I'm from Finland), too hot (... yeah, I'm form Finland, lol) or too rainy (living in the UK atm )! Whereabouts in Germany are you applying to? Berlin, München and Düsseldorf are lovely to live in, but I don't know about schools in these places. Also it's nice as it's "in the middle" of Europe, easy to go around almost anywhere! How did you get interested in looking into Germany? My interests lie in social science and cultural studies - I'm graduating in a month, BA Korean Studies with Japanese, and I applied & have been accepted to: MA East Asian Studies Research (Korea focus pathway) in The Netherlands. MA East Asian Studies in Finland. MA Social Research + PhD East Asian Studies UK (for this one I'm waiting for a full scholarship decision from the British Economic and Social Research Council, and I've been told it looks promising, but is not set to stone obviously, so I'm going crazy over what they'll decide as if I don't get the scholarship, I'm going to Netherlands).
  5. OMG! This was awesome. I srsl should not be this selfish and sometimes think about the poor dinosaurs. Also, Djibouti sound approximately as awesome as Seychelles! What actually happened to me is that I had already accepted the offer from The Netherlands as it was my first choice after the scholarship (and I was told I wouldn't be getting it). So I emailed them asking what should I do in the case I get the scholarship from UK, now that they might be offering it to me. In Netherlands they said that I can keep my place for now and that I should inform them by the end of June whether I'm coming or not, so they can offer the place for someone else. So, basically just hoping that they are able to make the decision in the UK by the end of June... And don't lose hope! Anything can happen! I refuse to lose hope before I have a letter stating that they still don't want me. Because really, until then nothing has been set to stone. As my situation proves, sometimes when you've already accepted that you won't be getting funding something great happens and then you have a chance again. But yeah, have to agree, not being able to do anything is AWFUL. At least I have THIS much cramming to do for my finals, even if I'm not really concentrating.
  6. Oh wow, that really sucks! I hate long waiting times!! I'm waiting my offer for Uni of Sheffield (UK). I really really want it as it's exactly what I want to do and the school is absolutely amazing. But I do have a good backup plan as well, I have an offer to do MA in basically the same course in Netherlands, so even if I don't get the scholarship, it's going to be ok. It's just that I "rose" to the scholarship offer from a waiting list as the first candidate declined (they had a better offer from somewhere else) and I was the second runner up, so basically they already told me no once and I really don't want to hear it again, haha~ I also have been given absolutely NO timeline for my waiting time. They were like "Might take a while, but they might also want it to be sorted asap" - not very helpful is it? What have you considered as B C and D? I just can't concentrate. What do you do to distract yourself? 'm really in need for some awesome tips!
  7. Really?! This might be horrible for me to say but I'm kinda glad that I'm not alone!! What scholarship are you waiting for? And to where? Have they given you any info on how long wait you should be prepared for? I feel antsy... Like, before this I didn't properly even know what that meant! I srsl have never felt like this before, haha~
  8. Oh wow, I loved the rocking chair quote! That was just awesome. Did make me realise that there really is no reason to be anxious all the time, and that I should just work harder on concentrating to the work I should be doing. (Instead I'm writing this... procrastination is my only hope I guess?) I'm waiting a confirmation for a scholarship/funding application which, and I quote, "you have a very good chance of securing" according to one of my professors. I'm currently a BA student and the scholarship is for MA+PhD. And I'm driving myself insane by worrying about it even if I should be concentrating to revision and exams that take place next and the following week. Argh! I just hate waiting.
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