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Everything posted by Rebecca15

  1. Hello grad cafe, This is probably foolish, given Chevening is prestigious (or so I hear) and my course is fully funded. But I am unable to get over the fact that I'm mandated to return to my home country for at least a period of 2 years. So why did I apply in the first place when I knew of this beforehand ? ( because I applied for other scholarships too but this is the only one I managed to bag). So my query to the boards - what are the implications of not upholding this condition? is there anybody out there, for whatever reasons, did not return to their home country or they did but not for the entire 2 year period? and what implications does this have. I've read on a few forums of similar situations but with the fulbright scholarship and I can't presume the two have similar terms and conditions. I also hear that Chevening is not evil and if one can prove with ample evidence that their career trajectory is best placed outside their home country, would they relent? A lot of uncertainty here, so some guiding light would be well appreciated. Cheers
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