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    Tic_toc reacted to eeee1923 in To retake or go ahead?   
    If you're aiming for MS or PhD degrees in the US, you'll want to score higher, especially on the Quant and AW portions. I say this since competition for international applicants is quite fierce. However, as med latte mentioned you have plenty of time to improve your score before the next application cycle begins. 
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    Tic_toc reacted to med latte in To retake or go ahead?   
    Well, assuming the application deadlines are Dec and Jan, you have several months to study and perhaps improve your quant score if you decide to do so. Do your target schools list info on their incoming classes? You may find that you're already on par with admitted students, or that some of your target schools only use the GRE as a minimum cutoff. Or you may find that some of your target schools use the GRE to make funding decisions, so it may be worth it to study for the next several months.
    I'm not in your field, but I would assume that work experience is always a good thing! Your experiences and insights on the job will inform your SoP. 
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