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Everything posted by Jrasp

  1. Soooo I received an acceptance this morning for my third choice. Very strange. Nice to hear something, though! As for interview pointers, well, just be yourself really! They want to see if you're a good fit, but you also want to see if they're a good fit. Think of questions to ask (i.e. how they conduct thesis supervision) and let the conversation flow. My interview seemed quite long, about 35-40 minutes. We mostly talked about research, so really know your stuff! Of course this will vary from professor to professor, but mine pulled a bunch of questions from my personal statement. Also, I know I've said this a few times, but my interviewer called half an hour earlier than scheduled. So maybe just be prepared for that! Sorry, I realize this advice isn't anything groundbreaking, but I really can't stress enough that you should just be yourself.
  2. Same with me! I haven't heard a thing yet for round 2. I've pretty much given up hope for the Courtauld... but hope to hear something by the 5th, since that's when we're all supposed to find out third round results anyway. But argh. Georgica, I feel your pain! Out of all the unis I've applied to, the Courtauld has been the most mixed up/unreliable. My phone interview for the first round occurred half an hour earlier than was scheduled (I was a bit thrown off the first few minutes, and had to scoot my family out of the kitchen while talking with the professor). Then, I wasn't notified about first round results until a few days later than Feb 12th... and now I haven't heard a thing since then. Hmm.
  3. Nope, I didn't hear anything either. A bit frustrating... even if it's bad news, I'd like to know! I'm pretty sure I won't get accepted into my second and third choices because they're simply not great fits. But that's okay, I'd just like confirmation!
  4. Eeep, glad I'm not the only one stressing about my lack of an email from the Courtauld today! I had an interview yesterday morning (and the professor called half an hour earlier than was scheduled. Luckily, it still went well... my heart rate just doubled at the beginning of the phone call!) I was checking my email obsessively today. Last night I even dreamt about checking my inbox over and over again! Hopefully I'll be able to forget about it this weekend, and see something from them on Monday. Just out of curiousity: those with offers, which special options did you choose as your first choice? Best of luck, everyone! Hope interviews went well, and congrats to those with acceptances!
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