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Everything posted by Calliope

  1. Hmm.. I guess it depends on what you mean by "I had an extremely unpleasant time." Did they drop the ball on processing your application? Were they mean to you during a visit/interview? Was the problem with one administrator or faculty member or the school in general? I would think a school would want to know about administrative mistakes and errors, and that would be a straightforward complaint. A specific complaint against a rude faculty member would be another story, and could burn bridges. Whatever it is, maybe wait a couple of weeks to mull it over. Can't hurt. I felt kind of pissed off at one school's application process and have thought about saying something.. It's hard to feel like you wasted money and effort.
  2. Found my snail mail letter from RISD. Wait-listed as well. Many of us on this forum seem to be wait-listed; I wonder how long that list is? I'm excited to start at VCU painting/printmaking in the fall. I know it's not grad school, but did anyone else apply to Skowhegan this year? Just curious. Think we're supposed to get admissions decisions this week.
  3. Did everyone who got into RISD get a phone call today? Is it possible to check our admission status some other way (online or something?) since their offices are now closed for the weekend? If I didn't get a phone call should I assume I didn't get in?
  4. I think both are kind of true. The graduate program coordinator called to let me know unofficially that I'd been accepted. Then she sent me an unofficial email reiterating what she told me on the phone. Then, a couple weeks later, once the University bureaucracy caught up, I got the official acceptance letter in the mail. A few days later I got the official letter about my scholarship as well. Good luck!
  5. Which discipline did you apply to at Columbia?
  6. Yes, they did a phone interview the week before. I think each department does it differently. I have friends who applied for sculpture there but still haven't heard yet. Good luck!
  7. I just got an interview at RISD for painting too! Yay! They notified me via email this afternoon. Now it's time to be nervous.. My friend had an interview with RISD a few years ago and she said it was mostly the faculty discussing her work in front of her, without too many questions for her. She said it seemed like they had already made up their minds about her. But that was a while ago, and I'm sure the process is different depending on the faculty who interview you. Good luck to everyone!!
  8. Hmm.. I wonder what it means too! My friend also got the phone call acceptance from VCU painting/printmaking that same day, but it seems like none of their other departments have made decisions yet. I wish you the best of luck!! And congrats to your friend with all the interviews!
  9. Accepted to VCU painting with funding on Tuesday 2/23 via phone call! Rejected from Yale and Tyler. Still waiting to hear from: RISD Columbia Hunter
  10. I heard from VCU painting via email on February 3 that I have an interview Rejected by Yale on February 5, but I guess you all know that ship has sailed.. My friend was rejected by Tyler via letter on February 12, but I haven't heard anything from them yet. Does anyone know what this means? Still haven't heard from: Columbia Hunter Tyler RISD
  11. Has anyone heard back from schools yet? Here's what I know: I got a rejection from Yale via email on February 8. I learned that I have an interview at VCU via email on February 4. The interview will be on February 16 over the phone. I haven't yet heard from Columbia, Hunter, Tyler, or RISD. A friend of mine received a rejection letter from Tyler on February 12. Does anyone know what it means that I haven't also gotten a letter from them? Thanks and good luck!
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