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Posts posted by Tapioca

  1. At this point I just want to know. I'd take rejections over this agony any day! /rant

    Don't say that! It's way better to be in the position of having options than fretting over the question of WILL I get in somewhere. Don't forget how horrible the waiting felt (at least for me it was awful)

    At the same time, having options and deadlines does present a new set of concerns. Do what works for you, because God knows the Universities do.

  2. Kemet and Georgica - Thanks for replying to my questions. I will wait until the mailman does his final round on Friday before I start sending out those emails. I did find a thread about this (link below), but people seem to be as unsure of what to do as I am.

    Phid - I was offered a GA assistanship, which comes with free health insurance, 6 hours of tuition paid for (additional credit hours billed at the in-state rate) and a monthly stipend.

    Link to decisions page:

  3. I am going through the same. I have been accepted into an MA program with partial funding, and the deadline is March 19th. This program is a great fit for me and I will probably accept their offer, but I am still waiting to hear back from three schools and would rather make a decision when I hold all the cards.

    I was given the suggestion to contact the remaining schools explaining the deadline issue and ask if they have made a decision. Also, I was told at another thread that asking for an extension is okay. But I don't want to risk giving them the idea that they are my bottom choice (b/c they are not) and risk losing my funding. And I definitely don't want to accept out of desperation and then withdraw because I'm going into a small field, so I wouldn't want to jeopardize any future opportunities.

    At this point I just want to know. I'd take rejections over this agony any day! /rant

  4. I have been accepted into an MA program with partial funding. In the acceptance letter, they said that if I don't accept the admission by March 19th, they are going to assume I don't want it. This program is a great fit for me and I will probably accept their offer, but I am still waiting to hear back from three schools and would rather make a decision when I hold all the cards. So, what does one do in this situation? Is it okay to ask for an extension? How do I ask for one? Also, what happens if I accept their offer and then withdraw later? Thanks!

  5. Bumping this because I need some opinions.

    I'll spare you of the details, but some of my transcripts are from a foreign country, and a language professor reviewed my transcripts for free when people usually charge at least $25/hour to do it. I'm deciding between sending a handwritten thank you note only, or a note + gift. What's appropriate? Suggestions on what gift to send? I'd have to mail it.

    Thanks in advance!

  6. For everyone else, are you enjoying the sound of crickets as much as I am?? rolleyes.gif

    Can't say I'm enjoying, but I do hear them loud and clear! :P

    PS: I see you're applying to U of M. I live in Ann Arbor, so let me know if you need any info about the city.

  7. has anyone else been stress-eating like a maniac?)

    *raises hand*

    I was somewhat calm about the wait because I thought ALL results would come in march, until I googled "admission results" a few nights ago and found this forum and the results page. :P

    To add to the pressure even more, I got the UCLA email notification at 2:46am on Saturday, so now I can't even take a break from obsessing during nights and weekends!

  8. Ah! So the other week (actually the morning I was leaving for my 6 month trip to Germany...) I received a rejection letter from UMD College Park for their MA program. I'm majorly stressing out because I definitely thought College Park was going to be the easiest school to get into for their MA program. I have a 3.99999 whatever GPA (only one B+ my entire time at college and that was in French class), a 5.5 on my writing GRE and 720 for my vocab. I had great LORs (including one from the curator of painting and sculpture at the MOMA in SF) and have had three great internships. I'm a very strong writer and I had a million people go over my writing sample and LOP. I just don't understand what could have gone wrong? Any ideas?

    I'm just extremely anxious because if I didn't get into UMD I don't see how I'll get into any of the other programs I applied to. (Williams, Tufts, BU, and American...all MA programs)

    Also I should mention that it is doubly weird for this rejection since I'm an MD resident and pretty much my entire family went to UMD. I was also accepted into their BA program but I didn't feel like going to college with my entire high school since UMD loves to keep most of its population mostly instate.

    I am freaking out too. I got my first rejection the other day, and since then all I can see is the worst-case scenario. I am down to a self-pity puddle. I found this forum a few days ago, and I can't say it's making me feel any better. It only serves to show me all the things I did wrong and all the people out there who are way better than me (you even might be one of them). But hopefully you, and even I will get in somewhere, maybe not just anywhere, but a place where we can really thrive. And then, we will look back at this and laugh at our self-doubt and wish we didn't second guess ourselves.

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