Hello Everyone, I am very glad to have found this forum, especially because it will allow me to further procrastinate writing my statement. It is excellent that we can set aside the competitive nature of these programs and reach out to one another. This is my first go-around with Graduate School applications and I will be applying to the U of T MSW program. I'll include a summary of my application below. BA in Criminology (4.18 GPA) in 2013 and a Graduate Certificate in Youth Justice and Interventions (4.95 GPA) in 2014 (As far as I'm aware they won't take my college graduate education into account).A+ in Advanced Quantitative Methods for my research course.200 paid hours as an employment counsellor for at-risk youth at the YMCA.250 paid hours as a relief shelter worker with pregnant youth.65 volunteer hours facilitating youth justice programming at AYSP.180 volunteer hours in group/one-to-one employment help for youth with barriers.176 hour practica in youth justice work at the Boys and Girls Club.100 hour practica in youth diversion programming.100 hour research assistantship for a study exploring intimate partner violence at UOIT.My referees are (a) the professor that I assisted in the above research, (b) my supervisor at the youth shelter, (c) my supervisor at the youth employment volunteering.My background is based primarily in youth justice work, so I am unsure of how that will go over in admissions. I am also wondering if anyone has or will be including any training or certifications in the resume portion of their application. Most of the time I am panicking about what I am going to put in my written statement, so if anyone has help to offer that is specifically geared toward the social work program, I would be forever grateful. I've looked around a bit on the forums, but the number of posts alone is daunting. Thanks and good luck to everyone!