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Everything posted by muayyad

  1. Analyze an Issue Topic: In most professions and academic fields, imagination is more important than knowledge. Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the claim. In developing and supporting your position, be sure to address the most compelling reasons and/or examples that could be used to challenge your position Your Answer: Imagination and knowledge are both interesting topics to discuss.Both imagination and knowledge should be equally important in developing a persons skill set in the professional and academic field. Therefore , I disagree with the topic above that professions and academic fields should consider imagination more important than knowledge. First, professions and academic fields are requiring employees to have a wide variety of skill sets to succeed in their profession. For example, food scientist are required to have a skill set that includes imagination, or in other words, creativity to create new set of products for the company. This skill set alone does not help the food scientist succeed in his/her job. They also need the knowledge of chemistry, food science , and math to be able to create the new product. Also, the academic field needs both skills to succeed as a research professor. A research professor not only needs imagination to be able to research the topic of cancer for example, but also the knowledge of biochemistry, and biology to understand the structure and chemistry of the cell. On the other hand, I would agree that imagination is more important than knowledge in certain fields such as drawing, or acting. The arts field requires a lot of imagination to create a drawing that has a lot of color and design, or an actor who needs to be able to imagine himself/herself in the play. Second, Knowledge and imagination are skills that can be used together to add develop another skill set such as competition. For example, Candidates who are competing for a job need to sue their imagination to answer interview questions ,and include knowledge of the subject area to add value to the answer. On the other hand, only using imagination to answer an interview question would provide the knowledge needed to answer the question.For example, answering a question about a coworker only needs imagination. In conclusion, imagination and knowledge are skills that are either used together in certain fields such as food science. On the other hand, imagination can be more important than knowledge in other fields such as acting. Score: 4 Time Used: 29 minutes 59 seconds Explanation of Score: In addressing the specific task directions, a 4 response presents a competent analysis of the issue and conveys meaning with acceptable clarity. A typical response in this category · presents a clear position on the issue in accordance with the assigned task · develops the position with relevant reasons and/or examples · is adequately focused and organized · demonstrates sufficient control of language to express ideas with acceptable clarity · generally demonstrates control of the conventions of standard written English but may have some errors
  2. Hi, Thanks for looking in here.I used score it now! to grade my analysis if issue and argument topics.I think it is not an accurate grade since it is done by the computer.On the real test, there is a real person and a computer.Here are my essays.Thank you for your help: Analyze an Argument Topic: The following appeared in an e-mail sent by the marketing director of the Classical Shakespeare Theatre of Bardville. "Over the past ten years, there has been a 20 percent decline in the size of the average audience at Classical Shakespeare Theatre productions. In spite of increased advertising, we are attracting fewer and fewer people to our shows, causing our profits to decrease significantly. We must take action to attract new audience members. The best way to do so is by instituting a 'Shakespeare in the Park' program this summer. Two years ago the nearby Avon Repertory Company started a 'Free Plays in the Park' program, and its profits have increased 10 percent since then. Therefore, I recommend that we start a 'Shakespeare in the Park' program of our own. If we do so, I predict that our profits will also see a significant increase." Write a response in which you discuss what questions would need to be answered in order to decide whether the recommendation is likely to have the predicted result. Be sure to explain how the answers to these questions would help to evaluate the recommendation. Your Answer: The recommendation to include 'Shakespeare in the Park' to increase the profits of Classical Shakespeare Theatre production would be a good idea , but the theatre would need to answer the following questions to make sure that this type of program would actually increase profits. First, the Classical Shakespeare Theatre production needs to evaluate its advertising methods used vs. profits. The company would have data that shows what advertising method was used, and the amount of profit generated from each advertising method. For example, the company would be able to look at the TV advertising used vs. online reviews used , and find out if there was a significant change in profit between the two advertising methods. Based on the data collected, the theatre would be able to decide if starting a new program is feasible. Second, the Classical Shakespeare Theatre production would need to compare the location of the Avon Repertory Company to its location. This would give an idea of the customers that go to Avon Company, and the businesses that surround it. The location would be a big factor in deciding if the program is feasible. The Classical Shakespeare Theatre production would be in a bad situation if the location was far from the park, or the location of theatre is causing the decline in its profit. Therefore, the Classical Shakespeare Theatre production should evaluate its location before deciding to start a new program. Third, the Avon Repertory Company used the 'Free Plays in the Park' program two years ago. This is old information, and needs to be updated. The Classical Shakespeare Theatre production should look at other theatres and programs that are more up to date to recent times. The company will have more accurate information to make a decision on its recommendation of starting a new program based on recent information not old information that is two years old. In conclusion, the Classical Shakespeare Theatre production needs to answer the questions of location, advertising methods used vs. profit, and updating their information on surrounding theatres, and programs. These three questions will help the company find out if the profit will increase when using the new program. Score: 4 Time Used: 29 minutes 60 seconds Explanation of Score: In addressing the specific task directions, a 4 response presents a competent examination of the argument and conveys meaning with acceptable clarity. A typical response in this category · identifies and examines aspects of the argument relevant to the assigned task but may also discuss some extraneous points · develops and organizes ideas satisfactorily but may not connect them with transitions · supports its main points adequately but may be uneven in its support · demonstrates sufficient control of language to convey ideas with acceptable clarity · generally demonstrates control of the conventions of standard written English but may have some errors
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