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Sarahjc last won the day on December 4 2015

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  • Location
    Athens, GA
  • Application Season
    2016 Fall
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  1. I posted about this a couple weeks ago. Tennessee said I withdrew my application after I was accepted and turned them done. I also get a rejection letter for another school I had turned down dated the day they received my decline of offer. It seems this is fairly common
  2. I'm really hoping with April 15th passing, I'll get more information from the program. There really hasn't been much news from them so far
  3. I've been trying to turn down schools as soon as I know I'm not going there to open the spot for people on the waiting list. I got an official offer letter in the mail from Pitt and I signed it and returned my decline of offer as soon as I got into my second choice. I got an email that they received it February 18th. Last week I got an official rejection letter in the mail from Pitt dated February 18th. I thought it was weird and then yesterday I got an email from Tennessee that the program told the graduate school I withdrew my application after I turned down that offer too. It seems like ethically gray area stuff that schools are doing to improve their acceptance rate. Has anything like this happened to anyone else?
  4. I interviewed at Duke with your daughter. I got a call that I was accepted on Friday and got the official email Monday. She might be able to check the decision on the applicant web page. My official acceptance from the school came from that.
  5. Emory has a good list of potential questions interviewers may ask. http://www.biomed.emory.edu/admissions/interviews.html I had a similar experience as @keviv1692 with my one interview. Just reading their webpages was enough but it is helpful to connect to their research. One thing I looking for in graduate school is connection to the clinic and one person I interviewed with had started a fertility program in the hospital based off of his research. Knowing that helped me make that point. I'm interviewing at another school this weekend and I have a feeling they're going to expect us to be more prepared. They sent a list of abstracts for the graduate student poster session so we can see whose research we find interesting beforehand.
  6. Anyone know when Washington's Genome Sciences invites are going out or when their interview weekend is? Still hoping to hear something today
  7. The survey says UW Genome Sciences invited have gone out on the 17th the past few years and according to their calendar they had a "faculty meeting" two days ago. I will be refreshing my email all day and watch it doesn't come out till later
  8. I said the same this on this thread a few days ago. It's best to keep them waiting then to have to go back on a commitment or reschedule a top choice
  9. I understand international applicants work a lot differently but for a lot of domestic applicants, interview weekends are the only opportunity to see the school and town before having to commit. For domestic, it's kinda the reverse. Fly for free for interview weekend or do a skype interview and spend a couple hundred bucks on a flight later to see if you even like the area
  10. I'm waiting as long as possible to confirm interview invites so I don't accept an invite to a school lower on my list only to find out it conflicts with my top choice. My mom (who's in business not science but still in change of hiring people) has told me repeatedly it's much better to keep someone waiting for a response than turn around and decommit from an interview. It could bar you from ever working there for the rest of your career (sounds dramatic but apparently it happens in the business world). Skype interviews are available if you really can't make it work but seeing as you will be living there for five years, that's far from ideal. I've only confirmed one interview of the four I've been invited on and I'm waiting to confirm the rest until I hear from the schools sending invites this week. My guess is that after this week, no more invites will be sent until January because of the holidays.
  11. Thank you! Good luck. I hope you start to hear back soon
  12. The two interviews I have been invited on so far work by booking with their travel agent.
  13. Congrats! I got invited to interview there too for the same program.
  14. I got a call from a PI and a follow up email. We talked about his research and mine for a couple minuted so prepare for that.
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