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    2017 Fall
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  1. Slovakia found out this morning, unfortunately I wasn't selected. I'm very sad, and giving myself today to be bummed, but tomorrow is a new day. I'm going to focus on graduating, and that because I won't be going on the Fulbright my boyfriend and I will most likely be moving in together. Just trying to stay positive. All the best for everyone, regardless of the outcome of the Fulbright.
  2. Congratulations! I can only imagine how confusing it must be -- while I'm still waiting for my country to come out (Slovakia, so hearing about another Slavic/Eastern European country is super exciting for me) the best advice I can offer is to give yourself a couple of days to let everything sink in before starting to really think about things and make decisions.
  3. Congratulations to everyone finding out about grants! (And even if you weren't awarded one, congratulations on making it this far -- seriously, that in itself is a huge accomplishment). I'm still waiting for Slovakia, and it's seriously killing me.
  4. Sending good vibes your way! I know I'm spiraling down and down. I check my phone compulsively -- if I'm ever in a group situation, like with my friends, I'll check my phone, apologize for being rude for looking at my phone, and promptly check one more time. This tip may help you (or it may drive you crazier) because I know it helps me: basically in my planner I have a monthly calendar view, and every day I don't hear back about my country I write "No FB" with a sad face in the bottom corner of each day. My friend saw me doing this and thought I was insane (I probably am), but because I'm fairly confident my country will come out in March it helps me pass days and see that with each passing day I don't hear back, tomorrow becomes a little more likely I will.
  5. Yeah, it would be interesting to know if this is going to be a trend overall this year, or if Portugal and Iceland were just unusually fast.
  6. Congratulations!! Now that someone has officially found out, it feels so real!
  7. For me, at least, I'm working on a thesis for one of my majors. It's completely unrelated to the Fulbright, but it's a nice distraction. My only fear is that, if by some lucky chance I do get the Fulbright, I'm going to lose all motivation for it and just go into "senior spring" mode. I'm also just trying to spend time with my friends, because we're all going different places after graduation (each time one of them finds out about a job or grad school or other program it's a little punch to the gut, I'm so happy for them but I just want to know about my own plans!) so I want to be able to see them as much as possible.
  8. Yep, I'm in complete freak-out mode now. According to the google doc my country comes out with their grants around mid March, but it's been early March and it's been late March in the past as well. All I can do is wait (and compulsively refresh my email...)
  9. Definitely a lot of checking this page and the google sheet as well, seeing who's been updating it and what new countries are represented. School and applications take up a lot of time as well, and I'm doing a thesis for one of my majors which takes up a lot of space in my mind. And I know I shouldn't, but I do a ton of research on my country and talk to people who have been there, and it's just getting me more excited, which I know is a dangerous thing!
  10. The waiting is killing me! How is everyone else passing the time, especially seniors who may be applying to other jobs/scholarships?
  11. Question about the statistics on Fulbright's website: Does anyone know if those stats are number of total applicants/grants available, or number of semi-finalist applicants/total grants available? I browse Reddit's Fulbright subreddit (another good and relatively active place if anyone is interested) and the same question was posed, but one person said it was total applicants and another said it was semi-finalists. Does anyone have any idea?
  12. It's all over the place -- check out the google doc (it was reposted just above your post), it has a list of all of the dates every country has sent out notifications for the past 5 years or so.
  13. Recommended as a semi-finalist for Slovakia! I really gave up hope that it would happen today!
  14. Oh man that would drive me crazy hahaha, I already told myself if it's not sent out by 3 I'm giving up for today, but now I'm going to have to hold out longer.
  15. What are people thinking for the notification? I'm surprised we haven't heard by now, but I'm probably being impatient.
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