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Everything posted by aspiringivyleaguer

  1. Can somebody admitted post their stats? Just for reference.
  2. I just got rejected by Brown. I think academia is over for me. I wish the best for all of you!!
  3. Hi guys! Any news on Brown? They said they would release admission results this week.
  4. Actually, i wouldn't care a bit about the letter. I would take any offer from any ivy league school with my eyes closed.
  5. Hi Jak220! I suppose you have applied to Brown. What are your stats? Have you had any acceptances till now? I wish you the best!
  6. Hi to all of you!! Has anyone heard anything from Brown? Good luck to everyone!!
  7. Yasir, thank you so much!! I will follow your advice! Don't let that little distraction take you away from your goals! After all, it was just an interview for one school. You have other great schools that are waiting for you. I wish you the best!!
  8. So, if I get it right it means that the professor I mentioned in my statement of purpose is going to contact me and ask me about my future research plans and my academic preparation for it. Is that correct? How are those interviews typically conducted? Via skype? How do you think I should prepare for it? Any advice I should follow? Do you think this interview is going to be decisive in terms of admission/rejecetion? Thank you very much for your time and advice.
  9. Thanks for your quick responses! I found it at my application checklist at Brown. It was added a couple of days ago as a separate line (unit) at the bottom of the checklist. It is titled as "SPS Interview Status" and has three sub-units: Interview Status, Interview Scheduled Date and Interview Completed Date but no further information is displayed in my page. Moreover, they have not contacted me yet. If they wanted to interview me, wouldn't they contact me in order to arrange the date?
  10. Hi! Please help me! Does anyone know what a SPS Interview is? Thank you and good luck with your applications!
  11. Hi to all of you!! Does anyone know what a SPS interview is?
  12. Thanks for the reply! Do you happen to know when Brown is goin to release admissions offers? Moreover does anyone know where i can find information on funding packages of political science phd programs?
  13. Hi to all of you! I applied for IR Subfield (Political Economy). International applicant from a practically unknown university, very low GRE (155/146/4), BA top 10%, MA top 10%, research experience. Do you think i have a chance?
  14. Hello!! Does anyone know the average GRE scores for Brown Pol.Sc. Phd program, admissions rate, the funding package and the typical profile of admitted students? Thanks in advance and good luck with your applications!
  15. Hi to all of you! 188 views and no reply! It seems that nobody has a clue about Brown's Pol.Sc. Phd program!
  16. Hi to all of you! I wish you a happy New Year and successfull results with your applications!!!! I wanted to ask if any of you have applied to Brown for Phd in Political Science and what your numbers are (educational history, GPA, GRE etc.). Since i am international myself i am more interested in international students, although every comment or information on the topic is welcome. Moreover, I would like to ask if anyone knows what the Brown Univeristy funding package consists of in terms of dollars (amount of monthly stipend for instance and if this amount of money is sufficint to cover your living expenses). Thank you all!!
  17. Thanks for the reply! It's not the sports division that makes me lean towards ivy league programs but the prestige it comes with their names. Moreover, i do not intend to stay in the academia after i graduate from the Phd program. I want to move into real life politics or international organizations. I am even thinking the private sector if the other two won't work for me. In the country where i come from ivy league schools along with Oxford and Cambridge are very well respected. In any case, i believe that the education i will get at Brown and UPenn is devinitely superior to the one i could get in my home country and i can't think of very places that can provide me with greater oppurtinities (apart from the obvious ones Harvard, Yale, Princeton, Stanford, Berkeley, MIT). . Mark Blyth, Rick Locke and Richard Snyder fom Brown Julia Gray, Jennifer Amyx and Julia Lynch from UPenn. I decided not apply to Columbia because i am sitting again the GRE and the deadline of that program is December 2. So, do you think i am competitive enough for Brown, UPenn and Cornell especially? Does any of you have any idea about the GRE scores required for these Phd programs? I am not looking for words of comfort here. I want your honest opinion so please be candid. Thank you all!
  18. Hello to everyone! Could someone please evaluate my profile and tell me if it's possible for me to get admission to an ivy league school. My profile is as follows. PROFILE: Type of Undergrad Institution: Some uknown european university, BA International and European Studies Major(s): International Law Minor : International Economic Relations Undergrad GPA: Not convertible to US grading system, but top 10-12% of my class Type of Grad: MA International Economic Relations Grad GPA: Top 10% of my class GRE: I am sitting the test in a few days, but i hope for something like 155 on both sections Letters of Recommendation: One from my graduate thesis supervisor, one from an undergraduate professor and one from a professor at my master's degree and a director at a research center with whom i worked for three years as a research assistant Research Experience: 3 years research assistant, master thesis, pubished articles in the form of working papers via a research institute Teaching Experience: None Subfield/Research Interests: Political Economy Other: One internship in the financial sector (mainly quantative work-data collectioning and writing reports), member of the board of two NGO's for two years (organising conferences, delivering spechess and cooperating with affiliated NGO's from other countries), active in politics from a very young age, foreign languages skills What really concerns me is the possibility of getting low GRE scores and the fact that my home institution is practically uknown. On practice tests i score around 155, so i believe my actual score is goint to be somewhere near that range. Is it possible for someone with my profile to get into the ivies or the low GRE scores are going to be detrimental? What do you think? Thanks in advance!
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