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Everything posted by Tinoply

  1. FYI, I called today to ask about my application status, as it hasn't changed on the website. I was told my application hasn't been decided on yet, and that the first round of acceptances and a lot of rejections have been sent already (which I gathered from the results board). It sounds like those who haven't heard yet are still in the running, depending on how many from their first round accept their offers. I was also told I should have a decision within a week or two. So, it seems like no news is at least "they're still considering us" news and not definitively bad news (for now). Sorry if that sentence didn't make sense. It's been a long day.
  2. I just spoke to the department contact, and she said letters went out yesterday. More waiting.
  3. Exactly. I would like to get this over with already. I have too many other things I should be focusing on.
  4. This. Exactly. Now I have two schools to stress out over this weekend. If I don't get in somewhere, it feels like the world will end.
  5. I certainly hope so. It's getting difficult to hope, though.
  6. Emailed Ms. Udal, and heard back rather promptly: "We should be sending out notices shortly (by early next week). Please check our on-line system ApplyYourself for your status. Thank you." I'm a tad confused about her reply, though, as there are already two acceptances on the board. I'm not taking this as a good sign.
  7. I'm pulling for the both of us, Jbarks. We need some good luck about now.
  8. Blargh. UConn has started notifying, and I feel I'm going to get another rejection. My confidence has been shot.
  9. It wasn't me, either. Damnit. I get the feeling this will make a third rejection in a row.
  10. I can't speak for your program's requirements, but I know how daunting creating the proposal can be. My suggestion is to decide what author(s) or text(s) you plan to work with, then find a direction (what critical lens you want to use, a problem you want to work out, etc.). Our proposals were due a year before graduation, so they didn't have to be terribly specific as long as you had a sense of what you wanted to write about. We were also required to include a reading list of texts, scholarly articles, etc. that we intended to use for the thesis. My proposal was maybe five pages by the time I was finished, and my thesis director asked that I be very specific (compared to what other directors wanted). I hope some of that is useful for you. Best of luck!
  11. Thanks for the info! March will be here before we know it (I hope).
  12. Has anyone heard anything from UConn yet, like when they plan to start notifying? I'm not brave enough to contact the department for info.
  13. Ha, this is exactly what I was thinking all day while waiting for the email to come.
  14. I heard back from them, and they're hoping to start notifying in early March. Let the waiting resume . . .
  15. That's pretty much exactly how my first go-around was. I applied to MFA programs, thinking I was going to be some in-demand writer, and I wound up with an MA offer at what was my safety school. Thankfully, though, I didn't go the MFA route -- I found literary study much more fulfilling than I ever imagined. Good things can come out of what initially appear to be crappy situations.
  16. This is somewhat off topic, but I've noticed we share pretty much identical interests (and four schools). Knowing that someone else out there is interested in the same fields gives me this warm, fuzzy feeling inside. It's like validation for my life choices.
  17. Man, I hadn't thought of President's Day being a factor. My university doesn't ever get days off like that, so it completely slipped my mind.
  18. Gah! That's when I'm going to be at a conference . . . now I can be extra nervous. Thanks for the info!
  19. I caved in yesterday and emailed asking if they had some kind of timeline, and I haven't heard anything in response, which happened when I contacted UCLA. They notified acceptances within a day or two of my inquiry, so maybe, possibly, hopefully, dear God PLEASE, UO will be notifying soon. I hope my convoluted logic holds up.
  20. I see they've started notifying Comp Lit . . . maybe we're next??
  21. Thanks -- I think I'm going to need it. I'm usually very careful about those things, but somehow it slipped past me. Best of luck to you, as well!
  22. I read this over the weekend and went "hey, I think that's who I wanted to work with, too!" In a frenzy of panic, I pulled up my SOP to see if I mentioned him. That's when I noticed that I put the wrong university name in there (UO is not UConn, damnit) . . . FML.
  23. This discussion reminds me of a game I play with some of my fellow grad students: "find the grad student." Pro tip: look for the smelly, disheveled one. Bonus points if said grad student is double-fisting coffee beverages.
  24. Yes. All of this. Just last week, my department head told me he doesn't think I'll finish my thesis on time. I'm maybe a quarter of the way done, and I have about a month and a half to finish. Thesis + PhD applications = ALL THE STRESS FOREVER. Good luck with everything! I'm in your corner, even though I don't exactly know you.
  25. Hooray! I feel better, too.
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