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Everything posted by cableknitmanatee

  1. Congratulations to all of the Yale admits!!! I still haven't heard anything from Yale (and there's nothing on the website), so at least a few of the responses have yet to go out. I have no idea whether I should still be hopeful or not. I've been incredibly fortunate this application cycle, so I'm really not in any position to complain, but the waiting is still agonizing.
  2. Has anyone else not heard anything from Yale? I'm not sure what to make of the silence since people are posting both acceptances and rejections on the results board.
  3. I can't speak to that admit's specific case, but I got presumably the same automated emailed from the Columbia GSAS today telling me to check the website where I could view my official offer/funding info. I don't know why they wouldn't have received the informal offer from the department several weeks ago though.
  4. Brown decisions are posted—I just got an email to check the website.
  5. On a similar note, does anyone know when we might expect to hear about funding from Berkeley?
  6. Thanks!!!– I've been incredibly fortunate. I'm a theorist with interests that bridge together HPT and critical theory. Feel free to PM me if you want a more specific answer than that.
  7. No, I haven't heard anything since the initial email either.
  8. I heard from my POI at Yale that the AdComm is nearing the end of deliberations and that we'll hear shortly. I had emailed them to update them about something else, so please no one read into this and worry about not having heard anything.
  9. I think they might have accidentally posted on the wrong subforum based on their profile and the fact that Brown English notified people today. As far as I know, no one has heard anything from Brown Political Science yet, but I'm hoping that we will by the end of this week.
  10. Congrats again to everyone! The UCLA preview weekend/Friday is the same day as UChicago Political Science Day, so I may see if I can visit some other time...
  11. It will happen later...though I agree that the UCLA email was frustratingly devoid of information
  12. I've heard from Berkeley since last posting, so have patience everyone. They seem to still be coming out.
  13. I'll claim one of the Chicago acceptances. Still waiting to hear from Berkeley.
  14. That's good (in a roundabout sort of way) to know Re: Chicago since they've notified people pretty early the last few years.
  15. I applied to Berkeley as well, but for Theory. Are there any other theorists on here? Also, what do people think are the chances that Berkeley (or Chicago) notify people this week? I'm still waiting to hear from all 8 of the programs I applied to and the suspense is driving me crazy.
  16. I got the same email this morning, though I was accepted into my MPhil program back in November. I know people got accepted to their program before they were rejected by Gates Cambridge and others who got this email in January and then didn't find out they'd been accepted to their programs until February, so I wouldn't read too much into it.
  17. I'm also in social sciences and after getting accepted to my program in early November had been hopeful that I might get shortlisted for an interview. From talking to friends who applied in previous years, my impression is that they don't send out rejection emails, but I'm not sure about that. I'm holding out hope for another week or so that they might not have sent out the invitations for people in social sciences yet.
  18. I received an offer on November 16th for the Political Thought & Intellectual History MPhil. Submitted October 1. Hoping to hear something regarding the Gates-Cambridge before the holidays since I applied for the 1st round.
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