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Everything posted by aartsy5050

  1. If its any help, my undergrad advisor said in terms of a more holistic department: first comes the big ivies (i.e Harvard, Yale, Princeton, Columbia), then the almost ivies and Penn (NYU, Berkeley, Chicago, Stanford, Duke, MIT, Northwestern), then public ivies (Berkley, UCLA Michigan, Wisconsin, Chapel Hill), then a few other places like CUNY or Bryn Mawr. He said to be aware though of the precarious UC funding situation, especially at a place like the newer programs of UCSC or even UC Santa Barbara. Granted this doesn't take into methodological or specific specialities within these programs. Also, it appears some of these programs will be taking on big rounds of retirements within the decade. Likewise, some (perhaps most notably at the "public ivies" seem to be hiring some new up and comers). Just that I would pass it along.
  2. Thanks so much! The list was given to me by my department. Programs in the top 20 here seem to have larger departments. But I can see how difficult it is to rank them. I am interested in queer theory in modern art, so a place like CUNY, Wisconsin, or a Rochester even could be a stronger choice for me than a place like Northwestern or UCLA.
  3. Hey guys, The programs I am thinking of are listed in the top 20 from this list of rankings I was given. Is that good? Thanks! 1 Princeton 2 Columbia 3 Harvard 4 Yale 5 Cal Berkeley 6 Chicago 7 NYU 8 MIT 9 UCLA 10 Northwestern 11 Penn 12 North Carolina 13 Michigan 14 Duke 15 Wisconsin 16 Johns Hopkins 17 Texas 18 Bryn Mawr 19 Delaware 20 Stanford 21 USC 22 CUNY 23 Brown 24 WashU (St. Louis) 25 Pittsburgh 26 Illinois 27 Penn State 28 Minnesota 29 UCSD 30 Emory 31 Stony Brook 32 Cal Santa Barbara 33 Maryland 34 Cornell 35 Indiana 36 Boston University 37 Rutgers 38 Kansas 39 Ohio State 40 Temple 41 Virginia 42 Washington 43 Florida State 44 Case Western 45 Georgia 46 U of Florida 47 U Iowa 48 U Illinois at Chicago 49 UCSC 50 New Mexico 51 SUNY Binghamton 52 Virginia Commonwealth 53 U Louisville 54 Missouri 55 UCR 56 U Arizona 57 ASU
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