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Posts posted by Superres

  1. 1 hour ago, jayelko said:

    Hey Superres, have you heard anything else about Emory? 

    I know the committee met yesterday, but my PI had to miss the meeting....I'm assuming they'll send out invites by the end of the week. I know that some of the other programs call, but but not sure about neuroscience. 

  2. Just now, 4eyes said:

    i considered emory but didn't end up applying- it looks super awesome but i don't think i would be ready to move all the way to georgia! i applied to mainly schools in the north like rockefeller, nyu, and columbia (nyc is the dream!), and will be applying to a few canadian schools after finals!

    Good luck!! All of those schools have excellent neuro programs! I'm originally from the north, but after coming to the south for undergrad, I hate the thought of northern winters lol ...though I did apply to some northern schools. I didn't actually end up applying to any in NY, but NYC is definitely a cool city!!

  3. Just now, 4eyes said:

    one other thing - i am curious to know how applying out of a canadian undergraduate will be perceived by admissions boards. do you think mcgill would be comparable to mid-tier american schools for a neuro undergrad, or possibly higher than mid-tier? i've heard mixed responses on this. Thanks!

    Personally, I think McGill is an excellent school! And there's some pretty great research there as well! I think the concern comes in when professors/adcoms have never even heard of a certain school. But even then, letters of rec can really help in these instances (along with research experience and good GPA/GRE). But I wouldn't worry at all. I think McGill has some pretty awesome research and would be considered favorably.

  4. 8 minutes ago, 4eyes said:

    it's a bit disheartening to think that there may just be a record number of neuro applicants this year in general, without any real increase in the number of spots. thanks for the info though! 

    No problem!

    Neuroscience is a hot field right now. Great for funding! But probably more applicants to neuro programs than even 5 years ago....

    But I'm a little worried too. I was on the fence about applying to cell bio or neuro programs for some of my schools (I'm interested in molecular/cellular neuroscience), but ultimately went with all neuro programs because it aligns more with my interests. Not sure if that's going to hurt me or not. I'm currently doing more cell bio/biochem research that has an application to neuroscience.

  5. To everyone who is anxiously awaiting interview invites,

    I wouldn't be completely surprised if invites for some programs come out a little later than they have in previous years. This may not be the case for all schools or programs, but my PI is on the admissions committee for a neuroscience program and said that the program received a record number of applications this year. I know he at least is struggling to read through all of the applications assigned to him to look over. 

    So just hold tight and be grateful you don't have to review hundreds of applications right before the holidays. :) 

    I know...easier said than done. 

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