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TAPS 2016

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Everything posted by TAPS 2016

  1. Hi, all! It's been a long admissions season, and I'm eager to hear where everyone is going. I ended up with 2a/2w/2r/1?. I was offered a tuition scholarship and an assistantship at Bowling Green, and a similar funding package at Texas Tech. I was waitlisted at Minnesota and Pittsburgh - both of which were very kind and encouraging. I was rejected pretty early on by WUSTL and Missouri. I had a brief but friendly email from Irvine, but haven't heard anything since. After some serious evaluation, I decided to take the offer at BGSU. I'm really excited about the way they combine scholarship and practice, about the faculty, and about the overall structure of the program. Hoping everyone has happy news to share!
  2. Sending good vibes to you for all of them!
  3. Welcome, skw0007! Congratulations on Berkeley, Tufts, and Minnesota! Any one of those you're leaning towards more than the other? Full disclosure: I applied to Minnesota, so I'm partially being nosy for that reason. Crossing my fingers for you for Brown!
  4. Congratulations, talkingscop!
  5. Thanks, geekerjoy! I'm actually totally okay with this, and looking forward to more news! I see lots of Berkeley news coming out. Any news for you?
  6. Logged into the UT website this afternoon - denied. I feel like my application was good, but the program is so competitive. Not surprised, not crushed. Best of luck to the rest of you who applied there!
  7. Hi, nubidubiuba! I applied to Irvine, but not SD. Did you get any kind of acknowledgment from either school?
  8. Did someone get an interview at UT? We'd all love the details!
  9. I've applied to the following Ph.D. programs: UC Irvine Texas Tech UT Austin University of Minnesota University of Missouri Bowling Green State University of Pittsburgh I've been in touch with some faculty, but my communications have mostly been about application processes/requirements.
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