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Posts posted by firepluswater

  1. I think long distance is easier to manage than most people think. I mean, its impossible to not communicate. We got cell phones, instant messaging, and WEBCAM (My favorite! :P). The only real thing you miss is the 'physicalness'. I think the hardest thing to manage is to dedicate time each day to be able to sit down and TALK. And no, I don't mean sit down and talk WHILE WATCHING TV OR SURFING THE WEB. I mean sit down and talk,talk. Give 110% nothing less! Of course, I also make an effort to try to visit her once every 1-2 months. And of course, I'm with her over summer.

    Now, in my opinion, since your both PhD's your going to be so busy you wont have much time to really miss each other. You'll both be wrapped up in research even if you were going to the same school how often would you actually be able to see each other?

    IMHO I would pick the top school, you got the rest of your post-grad life to spend with him!

    Good luck :)

  2. Ok so....I got accepted to UIUC, GATECH and a couple others...but I have limited my choices to the two (they both offered me TA's)

    I am primarily interested in DSP, COMM and DSP for COMM. I am an undergrad right now at GATECH and I know the faculty here is really impressive (I take classes with em now!) but man... another year or two here I dunno if I can stand the 'sameness.' I know the campuses are completely different, but I am not worried about that.

    What are some of your opinions on the DSP/comm/dsp&comm programs at these schools?



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