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  1. Hey thanks y'all for posting news. I was at another program's admit day and another recruited student told me that apparently UCSC FEMST already had their admit day this week. Idk why they are telling us that no decisions have been made. I have a feeling it's bc they don't know who will accept the offers of admission. Anyways good luck to everyone with this frustrating process !!
  2. wow thanks for contacting them and letting us all know! I'm in the same position, visiting other programs, and would like to make a decision!! I have no idea what is taking them so long. If you don't mind sharing, what exactly did they say that indicated you are not in their "top pool"? this just all seems super ambiguous and frustrating! feel free to send me a PM! thanks again
  3. hey! thanks for responding! sent you a PM!
  4. Hi, yes, I applied for the PhD, and know that they've notified all PhD acceptances, but I'm not sure about MA
  5. no word yet on ucsc? i've only seen one accept back from january, but when i contacted them two weeks ago, they said they were still reading apps...
  6. getting into any phd program (not to mention with funding!) is no small feat!! that is super awesome and impressive that you were accepted with a 4 year fellowship! i was super super bummed out about not getting into my top choice gender studies program, and after talking to both profs and students who have gone through the process, it seems that rejections do not mean you are not qualified, but that the program was just not the perfect fit, and that they can't nurture your research. i think programs do a good job of sorting out who belongs where. if you were accepted to a phd program you are obviously qualified, and everything comes down to fit. i hope this helps some. i know how much it sucks to get rejected from your top choices, but if you really dislike the program to which you've been accepted, you can always transfer!! sending lots of good vibes your way.
  7. yep, that was me on the results board. i'm not sure if they've sent out all decisions yet, though. are you applying to only ethnic studies?
  8. just ask when applicants will be notified of decisions!
  9. i say just do it. it won't change the outcome if they have already decided. i got one rude response that indicated i had been rejected. one very kind response saying the committee was still reading apps, and would send out decisions soon, and one acceptance! so i think it is worth it if you can't stand the wait!!
  10. Hey y'all I highly recommend emailing the departments' admin assistants to ask when you will be notified. I did it yesterday and received decisions from 3/4! Good luck to everyone! Such a stressful process!
  11. wondering if anyone can weigh in on ucsd vs. uc berkeley for ethnic studies
  12. reopening up this thread to see if anyone can weigh in on ucsd vs. uc berkeley for ethnic studies
  13. has anyone received an official rejection from Rutgers? I know they sent out admits. also, @queeraf @soydominique yes jotxs xx
  14. unofficially heard that NYU has already selected its admits. idk about waitlists
  15. anyone else heard from UCSC?
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