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    Political Science

kesk13's Achievements


Decaf (2/10)



  1. i've been calling alex venegas at USC for about a month and he keeps telling me "you will know soon." he never specified whether or not they were done sending acceptances, so I assume there still is a slim hope. i was hoping he would tell if they were done. i am just upset since every passing they brings more pressure to make a decision.
  2. columbia has always been that way. i applied to their master's in '08, they contacted me on 4/14 to tell me i'm waitlisted. i had another funded offer; yet it still was very frustrating. guess being an ivy and a top 5 school you can get away with stuff like that.
  3. i called alex venegas at USC on monday and asked him if they are sending out any more decisions. he replied "very shortly, possibly this week." let's keep fingers crossed. also, does anyone have any info on JHU? there are some postings in the results page, most of which are theory subfields. i'm comparative and yet to hear anything from them.
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