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Everything posted by Andnowwewait

  1. April 1st is a different program for me, that i don't want to miss
  2. Yeah Its a shame, both have such good programs
  3. I've got in everywhere; however the visit weekends for Cornell and NU overlap :(.
  4. On the basis of MIT I received a phone call at the beginning of last week and an official email by the end of it. Don't know any status of how far they are, but that a couple of my high achieving friends have yet to get their acceptance as well.
  5. got int uiuc this morning!
  6. I really like all of my schools, to be honest, and could not really fathom a top choice. Each program and location offers certain advantages over the next GRE: 167,164,5, (Q,V,AW) Domestic/International (TOEFL/IELTS): domestic UG GPA: 3.96 Chemistry major Research experience: 3 years UG in polymer research lab , 1 summer in inorganic materials REU, 1 summer in biomaterials international lab Research publications, patents, conferences: No publications (the nature of my projects and broken up research experiences. However, a wealth of knowledge acquired in the process) PHD intended specialization: Essentially organic materials: Polymer Science, Soft Matter, Self-Assembly, Biomaterials. But I would like to stay away from organic electronics University list: Stanford, UIUC, Cornell,Northwestern ------------------------------------------------------------ Everything has been in for a while. Now we wait
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