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Everything posted by smoresun

  1. Hello, I applied to and accepted the offer from McGill. It was my first choice. I'm a quebec resident so it's a lot cheaper for me to stay in province but also McGill is a really good school. I don't really know how both schools compare since I don't know much about Laurier. McGill has a really strong practicum program (you are doing 2.5 days of placement all year in the QY program) which was really important for me.
  2. I had the same problem. I got accepted to my second choice early on and didn't think I would hear from my first choice before the end of the waiting period. I accepted the second choice because I didn't want to end up not going anywhere! When I was accepted to the one I really wanted I immediately emailed the school that I had already accepted and told them that in the end I had to turn down the offer. I think with some schools if you have put down a deposit you might loose it but otherwise I think they expect that to happen to a certain extent. They were really understanding and thanked me for letting them know as soon as possible. I would wait until the end of the waiting period just in case you do hear in time and email the school you are waiting on, but otherwise it makes sense to not risk your future. You might withhold a spot from someone else for a couple of weeks but you also might just be holding on to your own spot.
  3. You were right! I just got my email, we are going to be classmates
  4. Congrats! That's super exciting I just checked my account on uapply and no change in status so I may have to wait for the next round to find out my fate. Haha
  5. Yup! I'm hoping to be able to stay put next year. You? March doesn't sound too bad.. that's sooner than I thought!
  6. Hello, I've been following this thread since I finished applying but haven't posted yet. I've applied to Carleton (2 year), Laurier (2 year), and McGill (2 year). I've been accepted to Carleton, my second choice, so now I'm really just waiting to hear from McGill, my first choice. Though I am a bit doubtful since it's super competitive and I'm missing out on not being fully bilingual. So maybe I'll be seeing some of you in Ottawa Anyone else here apply to McGill? Or have experience with their program? It seems like most people here are applying within in Ontario or to Calgary. Good luck everyone and congrats to everyone who has already been accepted!
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