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Everything posted by Lynne

  1. Lynne

    Denton, TX

    I have lived in a university town my entire life (University of Oklahoma) so I am quite use to the area dying down in the summer and during breaks. Right now I am looking at a few places: The Oaks of Denton, Vintage Pads, Wolf Ridge, Shady Place, and Campus Walk. Have you heard anything about any of these places? I will definitely check out Craigslist, though, thank you.
  2. When I met for admissions with one of my programs, I used googled to try and find some appropriate questions. It took an hour or two of sorting through different websites, lists, suggestions, etc. but I was able to make a list that included all of my main questions, which gave me a better feel for the program after asking. You would be surprised how much information that you can find for incoming graduate students if you know what to search on google.
  3. I haven't heard much about the program outside of reading these posts, but I had been meaning to take a look at it. I had a professor (at another university) recommend the program to me after talking to him about my career path. Seeing as I want to be an emergency manager through city governments or work jobs of the sort through FEMA (IE all government jobs), he recommended that I look into the program. I am interested to take a deeper look into it now, and of course pray that the government doesn't vote to take away a program that seems so beneficial to public servants.
  4. I applied to three schools. My list was originally six, but when I really thought about it I couldn't find enough interest in the other schools to actually apply myself to the application (haha). I, however, am interested only in MPA programs that have an available focus in (non-Homeland Security) emergency management. So my list was rather small to begin with. I didn't have any safety schools, but I was admitted into my top two of the three schools anyway. And the third is in my home state, so although I was nervous about having so few options, I made it work.
  5. Lynne

    Denton, TX

    Yeah, it seems that almost every complex I have looked at has a bus stop that takes you to campus. I am between doing an efficiency and a one bedroom and I don't know how to make up my mind unless it comes down to budget.
  6. Program Applied To: (MPA, MPP, IR, etc.) MPA Schools Applied To: Georgia State, University of North Texas, Oklahoma State Schools Admitted To: Georgia State, North Texas Schools Rejected From: N/A Still Waiting: OK State Undergraduate institution: University of Oklahoma Undergraduate GPA: 3.3 Last 60 hours of Undergraduate GPA (if applicable): 3.86 Undergraduate Major: Communication GRE Quantitative Score: 152 GRE Verbal Score: 155 GRE AW Score: 4.0 Years Out of Undergrad (if applicable): 0 Years of Work Experience: 0 Describe Relevant Work Experience: None Strength of SOP (be honest, describe the process, etc): I talked a lot about what I want to do with my MPA and how I got into the field. It was written over two months and I had three people read it and correct it multiple times. Strength of LOR's (be honest, describe the process, etc): I want to believe they were strong. One was the chair of my department and a known scholar in Organizational Comm, the other was my former collegiate coach, and my third is experienced in Crisis Communication. Other: I chose my schools on if they had an Emergency Management related concentration as that is what I would like to do with my MPA. I am between GSU and UNT, and it is a pretty hard decision for me to make. UNT is financially better, but GSU is supposedly a better program.
  7. I am stuck between choosing University of North Texas and Georgia State for Public Administration. Does anyone have any advice when it comes to either school or some pros and cons about either the schools or the programs?
  8. Lynne

    Denton, TX

    I am considering going to UNT, can anyone give me some information about Denton or any apartments they would recommend?
  9. On the application status for one of my schools, it reads: Defer Decision. I have looked online to try and find what exactly this means about my application process, but I have found only information from other schools saying that they will just be putting my decision on the back burner until later. However, in my missing information, it says that I "need final transcript" and "admission of seniors." If I have to turn in my final transcript, does that mean that they won't make a decision about my application until May?
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