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  • Location
    Moscow, Russia
  • Application Season
    2016 Fall
  • Program
    Master in International Relations

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  1. Hi guys! Seems that everybody's had bad news today, me not being an exception. I wonder if anybody at all here among us has succeeded? To be honest, I am quite upset as I was hoping to get at least "the third option" in the list, but eventually got nothing. It appears finally that these places are indeed very hard to obtain, if at all possible. It is written that they consider: geographical distance (I assume that Russia is far enough=)), scholarship (I have a full one as most of us here) and academic profile (ok, maybe they didn't consider me strong enough on this criteria, but then they've offered me a full scholarship, was it only due to social conditions??). So, that's a very-very sad surprise. I have a friend at the Institute who is currently on a programme and lives at the Student House. She explained me today that though the process was not problematic for her (as she is on some special one-year law programme, and there are places reserved for them exclusively), for others it was. But interestingly, some of the students obtained a room for the second semester. So, such a chance also exists. Off-topic: my status has after all changed to "confirmed" only today! More than two weeks after the payment... And welcome @RoyaleGVa! Yeah, I understand, it's a bit weird that only a month has passed since our admission=))) feels like ages=)
  2. @ARadiata @taeyeon, thanks so much for sharing your thoughts! Discussion always helps (at least, psychologically ) and your points are definitely reasonable. Indeed, burdening myself with money constraints and academic pressure is hardly rational given that IHEID offers some really unique opportunities like those of networking. I also heard or read somewhere (maybe here?) that IHEID provides career service of good quality, i.e. they are attentive to students and offer their guidance and so you are not just left in the street with your diploma like it often happens with famous big universities with Sciences Po not being an exception. Overall, it is clear that IHEID wins on many parameters, and I guess that finally I will go for it whatever the result of the Eiffel will be. It is just that it's hard to refuse As for the housing deposit, if I'm not mistaken, I remember something about March,15? So, Campus France will announce results already after the deposit payment deadline... Again, it is very inconvenient that IHEID announces the results too early as the majority of us is still waiting for other applications' outcomes. And urges us to pay =( but their scholarships are relatively very generous, I should admit. @taeyeon Yeah, I've already checked the distance to Paris and prices as I also have a couple of friends who study there=) so that's settled Meanwhile, IHEID must be completely overwhelmed with applications - they wrote me back stating that they have received the money more than a week after the payment. And promised to change the status of my application asap, but haven't done so yet. It is still "admitted".
  3. Hi guys, @taeyeon @kotsa thanks for support! Still, it's Tuesday evening and there is no sign of them. The link for making payment has disappeared but my status is unchanged that's strange. Also I'd like to ask your opinion on the choice of grad schools. The thing is that I've been admitted to Sciences Po as well and they have nominated me as a candidate for the Eiffel scholarship. In addition, today they emailed me to announce that I have been granted the Boutmy scholarship too, but I have to choose one or another - they can not be awarded together. The sad truth is that whichever scholarship I choose, it will only cover either tuition or living and I won't be able to bear the second part of the expenses myself. And I guess that all substantial French scholarships are mutually excluding? I simply can not understand this logic. In fact, they restrict almost all other opportunities of funding except student's own sources. Which are absent in my case. I've sent a message to Sciences Po asking for their advice on this, but they just repeated that the scholarships can not supplement each other with no recommendations or explanations. It may appear bizarre trying to find funding in France already being admitted to the IHEID with everything covered But I am still hesitating, still in two minds a little bit, can not force myself to decline Sciences Po's offer. Feels like I'm losing something. I previously spent a semester there within an exchange programme and was dreaming of coming back to Paris. At the same time, friends tell me to relax since in any case the IHEID is stronger, more elite and respected. What do you think, guys? Maybe any of you is facing the same dilemma? What was guiding you, when you chose the Graduate Institute? I mean, being small and elite, it is not even mentioned in rankings, so it's hard to compare. There is so much pathos around Sciences Po. I am puzzled Would be grateful for any comments.
  4. Hi friends! I am probably a little bit late here It is a great pleasure to meet all of you! And congratulations! I have been admitted to Master in International Relations/ Political Science with a full scholarship and received my notification on January 15 as most of you did =) I've been following this thread for a while and then finally decided to join. Here I've found so much useful information, which I wouldn't be able to find anywhere else as we've got almost same concerns))) So thank you very much! As far as I've understood, there is only one person also admitted to MIRPC? @ARadiata I am so happy to meet my new classmate! Hope there will be others soon attending this programme. Anyway, we are all here a single new community and it was a brilliant idea to start socializing before we actually meet each other in September=) Concerning the last piece of the discussion: I paid my pre-registration fee yesterday at about noon by credit card, but neither the status of my application, nor the invoice status have changed since then. I forwarded the receipt to the Institute right after the payment and asked them to confirm whether or not everything is ok. However, I haven't got any answer, so I emailed them today once again and, unfortunately, with the same result... Although @Mangrovia 's point that the payment itself matters and not the status is undoubtedly reasonable, I just can't help worrying. Previously, they responded to messages within one day, but I guess they are quite occupied right now as the deadline approaches. Just hope that everything will be settled on Monday. Have a wonderful weekend mates!
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