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  • Application Season
    2016 Fall
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    Genetic Counseling

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  1. @weilongli1 It's a tricky system either way! I was definitely favoring the idea of a match but then seeing that paper @SuitCase shared made me rethink it as I read the directors' comments. I wonder how the system will change in the future, because it definitely creates very stressful situations for all involved, although some stress would be expected. Maybe some of it could be alleviated as more programs open up and existing programs are able to accept more students?
  2. It sounds like the decision frame used to be 5 days, I'm glad it's down to 3, hopefully it pushes people to make decisions faster. I can see pros and cons to both systems, especially right now when things seem to be pretty locked up
  3. During one of my interviews a director told me that they were about to switch to the match system like they do for residencies but two GC programs were against it so they couldn't. I wouldn't be surprised if it moved that way in the future though.
  4. I wouldn't feel bad holding multiple wait list spots, you never know which ones will open up, hopefully there's some more movement soon! I was in the same spot last year and sitting on the wait list can be torturous...
  5. @SuitCase I've been working full time doing healthcare-related research (recently got my first co-authored publication!), took an extra genetics class online, and got more shadowing experience. Also not being in school has given me more time to read up on what's going on in the field of genetic counseling in general. I think being out of school and just experiencing the real professional world even a little bit has given me good insights about what to expect after grad school, which is something I didn't focus on as much the first time around because I was so stressed about just getting in. I do wish I had started re-drafting my personal statement earlier, oh well!
  6. As someone who has now gone through the application/interview process for a second time, I can vouch for how painstaking it can be, but not getting during my first try was not as world-ending as I originally thought and I think I'm a much stronger applicant than last year because of it! Just a little silver-lining thought in preparation for Monday. As we're all trying to distract ourselves until notification day, what were some of the weirdest/most interesting questions you were asked during interviews? One interviewer asked me how I would describe the color green to a blind person and it definitely stumped me!
  7. Did anyone see that the Augustana program (Sioux Falls, SD) just got accredited? I hadn't even realized they started a program! I guess they were accepting applications until March 1, bummed I missed the deadline
  8. Congrats on all of the interviews, everyone! I'm excited to hear different opinions on programs/interview recaps over the coming weeks! Only 10-ish weeks until notification day
  9. @geecee92 and @b5b7 I'll be there March 28-29!
  10. Just got mine too! I feel like I can finally let out a sigh of relief! Let me know what days you'll be there?
  11. @gcfc1989 Welcome! When are you interviewing in Michigan? I'll be there March 17-18 @weilongli1 Congrats on Boston!
  12. @b5b7 I interviewed there last year, it's a series of individual interviews, but the people you interview with may be different than who others interview with depending on the flow of your schedule, although everyone interviews with the program director. If I'm remembering correctly, the day starts with a general overview of the program with the program director. It's set up in a block format so everyone's schedules differ a bit, but we all had lunch together with some of the current students, and during my 'break' block the program assistant took me out for some coffee. Everyone there is incredibly friendly and the current students are a great resource for questions!
  13. @luckyduck78 I've only heard back from Michigan so far, but they called me around 2pm my time (3pm for them), last year both of my interview offers were made by email, one early in the morning and one in the afternoon, so it really seems to vary. I hope you hear some good news soon! @b5b7 I applied to both MN and MI, no interview at MN but I'll be in MI the week after you! I also applied to WI, news would be very welcome today! Where else did you apply?
  14. Thanks @weilongli1! and congrats @lmorse
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