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Posts posted by clowy2000

  1. I think the hardest part of not having a car in LA would be that its is so counter-cultural. The assumption is that everyone drives, so of course your friends will make plans 45 minutes away without thinking about public transportation options. Public transport in LA is better than it once was and depending on the university, for day to day life and where you live, you can probably get away with it. Part of LA's over-dependence on cars is that most people live really far from where they work because of housing costs or being wealthy enough to live in the beach cities and work downtown/Hollywood. I would say if your housing works out go for it, but expect everyone in LA to think you are crazy.

  2. No problem! I received an email from the Associate Director for Graduate Programs  (i can PM you her email, if needed). She has been very, very helpful through the whole process. There was an administrative mixup with my application and she was so on top of things. I am sure she would be responsive to a quick email. I'm not sure about funding at the master's level, but I think I remember seeing something about half-awards during my frantic search for information. Let me see if I can find it again. 

  3. I haven't heard much discussion about Catholic (CUA) here but I thought I'd report for the lurkers and future applicants. I was accepted on February 9 after attending the interview weekend. The offer didn't including funding information, but the package came in today. I am thrilled as it was my first choice. My wife and I already live in DC and this means we won't have to move and leave her job. Historically funding at Catholic has been spotty, but as some have mentioned the department has decided to move away from unfunded offers by reducing their number of admits. The offer included a tuition waiver and stipend. The stipend is a little less than some programs ($18,000), but this was less of a factor for us given my wife's work. I will be accepting in the religion and culture subfield. I hope this information helps someone! Best of luck to all. Also happy to help if anyone has any DC questions. 

  4. There were some questions on the results page about when CUA's funding information would come out. I emailed the department today and they said the scholarship letters were drafted, but they were waiting on final approval from the graduate office. They hoped to have approval by the end of the month. 

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