Here's my experience. I've been accepted to the Advanced Standing MSW at U of T.
1) BSc in Psych, 3.83 CGPA (84%)
2) HBSW (in progress), 4.00 CGPA (85%)
3) About 3,000 hours as a Research Assistant at CAMH
4)100 hours at a distress line
5) Multiple poster/ conference presentations (not reallly soc work related, more like biological psychiatry) + 1 publication in a peer-reviewed journal
6) Lots of research experience at different labs, all psych related
EDIT. For those in the GTA, If you don't get accepted to the 2 year MSW, I highly recommend doing the 1 year HBSW at Lakehead. The program is not that strenuous (although you do that to move to Orillia for 6 months) + at the orientation session Angela mentioned that U of T looks favourably at Lakehead applicants (worked for me anyway).