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Everything posted by bruchlet

  1. Hi there fellow Social Work Grad Students! I will be starting classes at NYU Silver this Fall, and am quite excited about it! Having looked at several Social Work programs prior to my acceptance to NYU, I realize that all of our schools have different strengths and plenty of items to offer to its students. Therefore, I was interested in setting up a sort of 'student collaborative', where students of different Social Work schools could meet up once in a while to discuss classes, share resources, and strengthen each others portfolio for our future careers. I am located in NY, and would love to set up a regular meet-up of other students. You can reply here if interested, or you can email me directly at bsm343@nyu.edu. I look forward to hearing from you all!..
  2. I GOT IN!!!!!!!!!!!!! Just received my acceptance email for the two year program at NYU!!!! Thanks to everyone for your support throughout the waiting, and good luck to all who are waiting still!
  3. @PsyBug88 I hope you hear soon... When did you apply?
  4. Is anyone still waiting on an answer from NYU, or is it just me?...
  5. Hi all! Congrats to all that have been accepted, and good luck to all those waiting! I applied to one school only - NYU Silver, and I am still waiting for a decision... I submitted my application a week before the deadline. When I called admissions this week, they said my application is under 'Final Review'... Who else is still waiting?
  6. Congratulations!! The financial part is also something that I always thought about... Personally, I've been saving up for NYU since I was 18 years old (I'm 20 now), basically by putting away every extra dollar for it (And I haven't heard back yet...) Even like this, I'd still need a nice scholarship to make it through. Student loans are another option, one that you can pay off with a side job. If you have special talents that can get you small free lance jobs throughout school (like writing, voice-overing, etc.) you can save up a little like that as well. Also, the school may have the option of having a small job on campus for some extra $$$. I'm interested to hear other students' ideas?
  7. I am so happy for you!!! Thanks for the update!
  8. I'm so glad to see that so many people on the forum have been accepted and are already working on their scholarship arrangements... As for me, I'm still waiting.... I called admissions today, and they told me that my application is in the 'final review' phase!... So I guess that's good
  9. @aramirez I think the maximum is $15,000 per year, but I an not completely sure. I remember hearing during my information session that a student can receive between $7,000 and $15,000 per year, and that this amount was renewable as long as the student remained in good standing.
  10. Congratulations to everyone who has gotten in today!
  11. No... I'm so sad I hope we both hear soon...
  12. Lol I know exactly what you mean!... Altogether, I have received over 11 of these emails, about scholarships and financial aid, welcome from the Dean, etc... I am really starting to get worried Who else is still waiting?...
  13. Any updates on your end?
  14. Ah I'm so happy that someone understands this frustration... I feel like all I want is a decision!.. I looked through some forums from last year (Fall 2015) and saw that many people did not get their acceptance letters until APRIL!!! I'm a bag of nervvveessss.....
  15. I have received over 5 emails with the same message (spanning over the past month) but I have not received any answer yet... Has anyone had this?
  16. Hey guys... I'm new to Gradcafe, and I signed up mainly because I saw the active community discussion about NYU MSW 2016... I am soooo nervous!!! My application was submitted (and complete) on Jan. 1, but I still have not received any response. I have received three or four "Welcome Letters" from deans and such, but nothing more than that. I attended two information sessions at NYU, and I also had a meeting with an admissions counselor back in December. In addition, I am a steady audience member at NYU Silver's alumni career panels, and I seek to get involved as much as I can... I wonder when I'll hear back!... NOTE: NYU is the one and only grad school that I applied to!!!
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