I got rejected from all the grad schools I applied to. Again. It feels like when you get stitches, and start to heal, and decide to get on the skateboard again, only to rip them all out again.
I've lost any confidence I once had in my abilities as an academically inclined person and I don't know how to get them back, or if I even want to. It hurts so badly and I don't even understand why. Its not personal.
I have a great job traveling around the world, living in other countries, learning about other people, and experiencing amazing things, and I want to...I dunno... contribute to the world using my experiences, but it doesn't seem possible at this point.
I want to give up, but I feel like I'm letting down every professor who ever encouraged me to go to grad school and my own, enthusiastic naive undergraduate self. I don't want to give up on my dreams... I dunno what to do...